Nice Dolphin Nigga

After some help from the AVC support staff and some time spent at disqus' awful homepage…I think it might work now?

Not a HD version, though. At least as far as I know. I'll wait until Sunday.

Yeah, I like that it's now just registered users (people being nostalgic towards the sometimes funny unregistered posts seem to forget all the trolling) and the editing function, but Disqus as a commenting system is a pile of shit. There's something wrong with it more or less all the time; either the system is down,

I've got nothing against Hardwick, but the "IT'S FREE SO DON'T CRITICIZE" argument is pretty damn weak. A lot of free stuff is shit and deserves to be called out on its shittiness, like all of

Baldur's Gate reference, I like it.

Explosion, shot to the head!

Problem with Kotaku (aside from the articles, of course) is the rotten community over there. It's gaming fanboys who hate fanboys, ie the worst kind of video game fans.

Click on that "edit profile" link under the SSO section, it should pretty much explain itself. But yeah, the site seems to be down now. I'm guessing it couldn't handle the power of The AV Club.


In case people don't already know this, if you want to use your AV Club user over at this site, got to:… (the SSO part is what's relevant). It's pretty bullshit that it's not automatic, but Disqus sucks.

Just Chevy Chase being Chevy Chase, nothing to see here.

It's all about the quality of the writing. Seinfeld's writing was at such a high level that they could apply a rule like that, FG has begun using "emotions" as some sort of crutch because the writers seem to have lost the ability to write anything funny. I doubt it has much to do with "suits" interfering, it's more

Mariollion isn't a problem at all. He was never established as anything but a small side character in the show (as he was in the book, really), and they'd have absolutely no problem introducing a new character for the Eeryie parts of the later seasons. If I remember correctly, the bloodrider is also a non-issue (I

Well, he does have all those daughters/wives to take care of him.

Yeah, using the comet as a referance point was clever.

Ugh, I don't think that guy would've translated that well. The "loveable retard" character tends to be more charming when you imagine him than when you actually see him on screen.

Yeah, that wolf was fucking huge.

Yeah, I think the additional scenes with Robb and his coming bride will benefit the show greatly. Because of a lack of Robb POV chapters, I always felt that his motivation for marrying her was left a bit too much up to the imagination (he got her pregnant, but why did he fall so in love with her, what happened etc.)

To be honest, that's some serious daddy issues.

Well, what people miss by not reading the books is the backstory of the characters and the world (everything about the First Men etc. is extremely interesting). I have no problem with things happening off-screen in the book, but my problem with Martin's style is that he (maybe because of the POV structure) tends to