Nice Dolphin Nigga

HBO will have to work hard to not be robbed by a British show for the second year running.

And she was, and still is, gorgeous. That helps.

@avclub-5470317571e6488699c5096861915107:disqus Oh, there's no doubt that TWD is a better show than The Killing. But most shows are better than The Killing, so that's not saying much. Personally, I found that the tedious characters and bad dialogue far outweights the awesome zombie scenes for me, so I stopped watching

But that ending did feel extremely rushed, and was kinda bad (understandable, given the time restraint of a cancellation). And yeah, I really liked James Badge Dale in The Pacific. In Rubicon? Not so much.

@avclub-2d0cca95ad6a2061d208d765e79af478:disqus Yeah, German is the third official language, but only like 1-2% has it as a first language (though a good portion has it as their second language), so I'm fine with people saying "the two languages of Belgium", since that's the dividing line of the entire country, more

Well, giving up on a show after one season isn't really "too easily". I'd say that anyone who gives a show 4 episodes has given it a fair shake, and it's probably not for you (save for a few examples that got a lot better as it went on, like The Simpsons and Seinfeld).

Yeah, I think TV critics more than any other pop culture critics are ignored by everyone but us nerds.

Yeah, Metacritic is more bullshit than usual when it comes to TV. Except for a few rare cases (like Luck, where HBO sent out all 9 episodes before the show began airing…oh, how I already miss you, Luck), the critics see a maximum of 4 episodes (at least of cable shows) before the premiere, and they base their review

Sadness + Rain = good, in some critic's books, I'm sure.

Think someone has to lock you inside that Rage Cage again, Mr. @avclub-b56f50f2a14c30dc6e9370f496dfb278:disqus.

Game of Thrones at 9, Mad Men at 10. Aw yeah!

Are they seriously going a whole two season with that same story? I thought they'd at least resolve it by the half season mark.

Mad Men, motherfucker.

Well, I'd say that the pilot had some promise, but after that…meh. Aside from The Walking Dead level of bad dialogue, the show's biggest flaw is that the writers seem to think that a good way to end every episode is LOOK AT THIS GUY, PEOPLE! HE FUCKING DID IT, HE'S FUCKING CARRYING THE MURDER WEAPON!!! *ends episode*

No show in the history of Showtime has ever gotten better as it went on, so you can stop without feeling you've missed something.

Yeah, it was pretty obvious that the guy pretty much hated the first season, so he was never going to like the second season.

I'd put my money on the American college student, but I'd guess that not many of either school system would know it. I'd also guess that a majority of Europeans, except for people in those bordering countries of course, wouldn't know it without some serious hints. People are, by and large, ignorant of things not

Well, the thing is: You paint everyone with the same brush when you say stuff like "[y]ou folk are deservedly celebrated as folk who have less-than-zero interest or respect for anything non-American." That's such a generalization that it is, yes, Yahoo Politics level of discussion. I'm all for criticism of every

Again, when it comes to humour, those families/regimes ain't got nothing on NK. And as @jerodast:disqus says (a point I should've made), the unknown is part of the point here: the fact that we know so little about it is what makes the regime so interesting, and the reason we know so little is that it might be the most

By the way, good to see you continuing your generalization of the American public with lines like "You folk are deservedly celebrated as folk who have less-than-zero interest or respect for anything non-American." I'm generally a big fan of your posts, but when it comes to American politics you seem to be on a very