Nice Dolphin Nigga

Are you really saying that any of those are as interesting as the ruling family of North Korea? The most isolated country on the planet, the country that has been so extremely good at brainwashing its citizens into believing the whole racial myth that keeps the faith in the government so strong, despite regular famine

That makes no sense at all.

I kinda like Fareed Zakaria's show on CNN.

The shot with Scully's father sitting on the couch, moving his mouth without speaking, right before the phone rings, is one of the most haunting images of the whole series.

Favourite X-Files episode thread

Well, he only became a righty in Twilight Princess, I believe. And that was because of the motion controller. I'd still say that Link, at least the older schools versions of him, is a lefty. I still remember the nerd outrage (that lasted about five minutes) when they decided to change him to a righty in Twilight

Steve-O…is that you?

One of the writers who wrote that episode with the PBS pledge drive actually did that, he followed a guy who flipped him off until he stopped the car. And yes, that sounds potentially dangerous.

Yeah, exactly. And the commercials for that show was fucking AWFUL, just a dog barking in the foreground with the two leads doing nothing in the background. What the fuck is that? Looking at that, you wouldn't have a clue what the show was about.

I can't unsee this now, good observation.


Well, you have to take into account what came before: Compared to earlier sitcoms, Seinfeld was a LOT faster paced than Better Off Ted (which, compared to stuff like 30 Rock, shouldn't have a shocking pace).

When the Levees Broke (2006).

"but about 8 times out of 10 they soft-peddle their stories and pull punches so as to not alienate the powers that be."

Are you thinking of newer rap, or all of hip hop? I can't really think of any newer rap artists with consistent strong lyrics, but when I think of hip hop acts with a good sound and good lyrics, I mostly think of much of early Wu Tang with solo efforts (that's mostly for the style and humour), early Nas, Blackstar and

No you wouldn't.

I'll the illest nigga doing this, dead or alive / Gloria Gaynor on you motherfuckers, I Will Survive

I think we need to realize that we're hip hop dinosaurs at this point, preferring people like Premo to never really change his style (he can innovate, like he has done, but not begin making straight up club beats, please). I'm never going to expect the more mainstream (look at me, sounding like Sarah Palin) music

Yeah, the golden age of Simpsons had a LOT of random bits on their TV, segments that included some of the best throwaway jokes in the series. There was a time when it at least felt like every episode had an Itchy and Scratchy segment.

Please fuck right off, Parents Television Council.