Nice Dolphin Nigga

It's always difficult to know how much a showrunner actually does. Take Deadwood as an example: David Milch just had 3-4 writing credits over three seasons, but it's pretty clear from interviews etc. that he always had final say, at times rewrote almost everything the other writers did. But the writer with first draft

@avclub-a8cf86b7e95be74b1204e22a9aab9cd0:disqus For me, the difference is that Archer always tries to be funny, so even if a person don't laugh, it's still a comedy. Same goes for a show like Big Bang Theory: Even though I fucking hate it, I can still see that it's a comedy. With Louie, several of the episodes strikes

Yeah, I agree with this. I absolutely love Louie, but it doesn't make me laugh very much. I'd say it's a series of short drama-ish films with comedic elements.

My take on the Raconteurs is that the band is boring as fuck, with a couple of good songs. Thanks for letting me share.

I think Jack White wrote most of, if not all, the music. But he's never released anything close to the quality of the best White Stripes records outside of that band. My best explanation for why White Stripes is so much better than the other bands he's been in is that the format of White Stripes (drums, guitar,

Yeah, I remember it being mentioned in the commentary for one of the earlier episodes. I completely understand why they didn't go with it though, would've been a strange name for a cop show (as Terriers was for a P.I. show…sigh, Terriers…).

Oh Steven, your voice is so sensual.

Excellent interview, mr. Harris. And Cheers being written as a radio show actually makes a surprising amount of sense.

Eh, I think both writers leave a lot to be desired, especially with dialogue. That said, Rowling is (for me at least) the far superior world builder of the two, and I much prefer Harry Potter to The Hunger Games.

Well, I never said they were great, only "good". And it seems like you agree with that statement. There's a lot of flaws with the books, mainly that the author isn't that good a writer (the dialogue can be clunky as hell).

This is a pretty good description of the state of DC Comics, and truer words than this have never been spoken: "Hawkman:  There are no good Hawkman stories."

Holy shit, that's a pretty harsh teaser. No surprise that the movie sucks though, since Uwe Boll made it.


Yeah, I get why things like this can be introduced, legally. What I'm talking about is the more moral side of things, how anyone can justify a bill like this. I guess I won't ever get the more conservative depths of the Republican party and the population of certain states.

Hoop Dreams is the best anything about basketball. Case closed.

I'd say that they're good for what they are, YA novels.

All I can say is that, as a Scandinavian, the wholde discussion about required ultrasound through "transvaginal procedure" makes part of America seem like an alien planet. I'm just amazed that this is a thing that is taken seriously.

Yep, I've seen that. But I remain sceptical, at least until we see what an "Enhanced Edition" of the games actually means. A overhaul of the visuals is a given, but will they add stuff like more VO, and will that sound good?

This dude has been around for years, doing the same thing. I think he's either 1) insane, 2) just doing this out of pure habit at this point or 3) a combination of 1 and 2.

@GenevieveKoski:disqus Yeah, reading his twitter feed when watching the show, I see that I was quite wrong abou that. I did a very internet-y thing and jumped to conclusions about people I do not know. Sorry.