Nice Dolphin Nigga

Still is.

Well Doc, all I can say is that I really love the Youtube video linked in your name.


This was better, @avclub-d485c2cd25e482dc2c0b60bfad47fd73:disqus.

Koski and Sava is an item (if I understand correctly from Koski's recent review of RuPaul), and Donna Bowman is married to Noel Murray. So, that's not far from the truth.


I posted a comment around those same lines some hours ago, based on my experience with video games based on the D&D ruleset and some D&D games. But thinking about it, with the right GM, I believe a low level game could be just as fun as a higher level game. Sure, you don't get to fight more than bandits and stuff like

I can post comments in Chrome. But the only answer for those questions: Because Disqus is a fucking awful commenting system. I like it okay when it works, but when have it worked as intended since it was implemented here?


@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus Well, that's part of the reason why both of those shows were so groundbreaking: You can still see in other shows what Seinfeld and The Simpsons started/did the best. I'd say that both those shows were pretty revolutionary for their respective genres (Seinfeld for

I would say that this is close to a golden age of TV comedies. Nothing as good or groundbreaking as Seinfeld or golden age The Simpsons, but the overall quality is better than any period of TV I can remember.

Ah, shit. I haven't read Pitchfork for some years now, I just looked him up to see who he was.

You think video game articles skew "way, way young"? At this point, a lot of the people who grew up with Atari consoles and similar can still be considered gamers, people who will read articles about gaming. It's not just for people under 20 anymore. I'll agree that articles like this skews young (I'm 25 and I neither

He's Editor-in Chief of Pitchfork, actually. And that makes your statement even more true.

Your best work yet, @avclub-41f9dded925acdd0278ed6d02845997f:disqus. Keep 'em coming.

Well, there's not many moms blogging on Tumblr compared to teens/young people, so it's not a terrible generalization to say that "only" young people (25 and less) use it.

wtf is starz lol

I actually quit playing about 6 years ago (am now 25 years old), but that was mainly because I moved to a different city to study, so I had no one to play with. But like you, if I find some people who play, there's a big chance that I'll pick up the habit again.

ToB is worth it, without a doubt. It wraps up the story very well.

Yeah, BG2 isn't very linear, but about 2/3 through the main game it gets a lot more linear because the main story really gets going. But I think it's a fair trade off: For the first part of the game you can more or less travel everywhere and do anything, and then you finish the story in a more linear fashion.