Nice Dolphin Nigga

@E.Buzz Miller: The reply wasn't aimed at you, but @avclub-ffc486b563126f258ae6dbb0d3e3d827:disqus who has been trolling up this thread with "NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD"-like replies.

So, what's your favourite video games based on the D&D ruleset?

Stay classy.

Ghostbusters. Never forget.

There's a surprising amount of those out there. For some reason, I've got a lot of engineer friends, and they know a bunch of people that are still into model rockets (and model planes and stuff like that, of course). It's all about your interests: If you've always been interested in how things work and how to make

Nah, there's fun to be had by starting at a pretty high level and then being thrown into difficult encounters. Starting at level 1 can be fun, but too often it involves "grinding" your way to more challenging encounters.

Good to see you trolling without actually reading the article. Not every article over 2000 words is a bad article, you know.

Didn't know where to ask this, so I'm gonna do it here (don't have Twitter): Sorry if I've missed some Newswire or anything on this, but could you explain what Gamelogical is? Is it going to be The AV Club's "game site", and how much (if any) of the content there will also be published on

I'd say that it's 90 minutes. But the replay value is huge because of the online elements of the game. I've played through it 3 times now, and I'm still having a fantastic time.

Mirror's Edge is a pretty fun game, without a doubt worth it on the cheap.

Fantastic episode, and Louise's exchange with the bank robber over the phone reminded me of how much I love Kristen Schaal's work on this show.

Yeah, that game is beginning to feel very Duke Nukem Forever-y, which is a damn shame. Their two previous games are some of my favourite games ever made (especially Ico), but there has been so much turmoil behind the scenes, delays etc. I still think it'll be released, but it's a bit "wait and see" at the moment for

Yeah, I caved in about a year ago, and now I use it as my standard console (I've owned a 360 since it came out). If it ever comes out, The Last Guardian will be reason enough to buy a PS3.

KONY 2012?

Here's a review:

Random player, and there's no gamer tag or anything like that, so you have no idea who that player is. After you finish the game you'll see a list of the people you've played with, gamer tags and all.

Woo, @avclub-70d31b87bd021441e5e6bf23eb84a306:disqus is back!

Ah come on, Slippery Pete is great!

How is Community smug? @avclub-64f720c4d4ffcf7df8535870aea4478d:disqus is wrong, of course in-jokes aren't smug by nature. Is anything good "smug" now? Was Arrested Development for having so many layers of in-jokes?

I'm not a huge fan of Better off Ted, but even I have to admit that Racial Sensitivity is one of the best sitcom episodes ever made. Just perfection.