Nice Dolphin Nigga

Bad pop culture referances as humor is the worst humor.

Don't even mention that, the memories are too painful.

President Carter is pretty good, if nothing else it samples Jimmy Carter in a rap song which is pretty unique.

Yeah, he has a pretty good flow when he gets going. But I have to disagree with you about his "gift for language"; his rhymes are often not really rhymes, and his lyrics are more or less almost stupid as hell. If I listen to Lil Wayne, it's never for the lyrics.

I can't take him seriously because of his God-awful lyrics. I can stomach a lot of bad hip hop lyrics, but his…goddamn, he has the vocabulary of a 5 year old that knows a lot about drugs and swearing.

It always amazes me that people think a year is a long time for a tv show to come out. Seriously, if you think about it, it's not a long time for about 10 hours of entertainment (more for a network drama).

Well-written article, Rabin. This album is the definition of a fiasco; he tried so hard, and failed so spectacularly. How anyone, including Lil Wayne, thought this was a good idea…I guess it was all the weed and cough syrup (Purple drank).

like this comment if yuo agree, lol

@avclub-b9abc54b685d47db67da47a4007fdb12:disqus is correct, J.J. Abrams has little to do with the actual running of the show. So it's not really his mess.

There's plenty of A episodes of Lost. The ending may have sucked, but there's many really fantastic episodes of that show.

Oh, I think Seth Bullock is the angriest man ever to be a TV character. But Raylan is close.

You're reading it wrong: I said that this is the best show in quite a while, even better than Homeland, which was the best new show of 2011. So, this is better than any of the new show released last year.

But GoT is popular on a whole other level than those others, though. And Camelot, I forgot that that show even existed. Man did Camelot suck. It seemed like they had a $1k budget for each episode.

Because it's a serial killer story? Of course it's gonna be a bit "one-note" when it's so focused, but that doesn't, at least in my opnion, make it any less fantastic.

The problem is your extremely broad definition of the term "rich". Doing what you're describing might make you middle class, but that doesn't make you rich. Yes, more than the 1% can be considered "rich", but of course owning an iPhone and being able to afford to go to SXSW doesn't qualify you as rich. More and more

The Game and Alien 3 over Se7en?

Many people on the right have and will deride Libaugh for those comments. But the important point @avclub-c2b1b8ce8d74964b7ca641283ddc2e8b:disqus made is that no Republican politician will. Of the GOP candidates, only Romney said that he "wouldn't have used those words" (or something similar), which is a

Another thing they don't seem to understand is that your taxes will always pay for a lot of shit you're opposed to. I was opposed to the Iraq war, but my taxes still paid for that shit. To just say that "I won't have my taxes go to something I'm opposed to" is a silly, childish argument that over-simplifies things.

@avclub-70f6dcc28ef8fc282b0c969e75d9bdfc:disqus People would react if Maher said the exact same thing, of course they would've. The reaction wouldn't be as strong because Maher doesn't have the same influence as Limbaugh does (no one really cares about what Maher has to say, not even liberals…it's just a funny show on

@avclub-70f6dcc28ef8fc282b0c969e75d9bdfc:disqus Regardless if one is funny or not, saying it in the context of being a comedian is something entirely different from saying something as a pundit. A comedian isn't trying to be taken seriously, and most people won't.