Nice Dolphin Nigga

Because they're saying it as COMEDIANS, and no one takes it seriously. Limbaugh is saying it as a pundit (I don't give a flying fuck about Don Imus), and millions upon millions takes it seriously. But the worst thing about Limbaugh's comments weren't that he called the woman a slut, but that he lied about the whole

It's more excusable to call a public figure names, but still not something I'd condone. But regardless of this, the situations are completely different. C.K. and other comedians mostly say these things as shock-comedy. There's examples of British comedians who's comedy only revolves around saying the most outrageous

Difference is still that those people mostly used that language for shock-humor, while Limbaugh seemed to be completely serious. And you can't even begin to compare the influence of those comedians to the influence of Limbaugh on the GOP base.

Keep watching. I won't spoil it, but keep watching at least till episode 4. If you're not hooked by then, you won't like it.

I forgot that you're a troll.

That scene is pretty harsh.

@avclub-675cf4954ee45de77c149af8d2c8186f:disqus Both the title of the movie and the marketing fucking sucked, a bit surprising since we're talking about Disney here. They should know how to market their movies by now, and they generally do a good job at it. There were even trailers that didn't mention the fact that

Bobo T. Baggins.

This is for Cody!

Oh, I read it like he was dead. And if he wasn't, I'm sure they'll kill him anyway. There's no upside in letting him live after that.

He also seems to get the most Milch-y dialogue.

I would say that Mike killing Israel was a standout moment. But I agree with you about the episode as a whole.

You do understand that for it to be a "snuff film" you have to actually see the horse dying, right?

Yeah, I've seen enough addiction in my life to know that that scene was accurate. The guy who plays Ronnie (a big ex-jockey, I think) is doing a tremendous job, especially considering he's not really an actor by profession.

For me, the last two episodes won't make or break the show. It's been good enough already that a so-so payoff won't scare me away. For me, this is the best new show in quite a while and I even enjoy it more than Homeland, the best new show of 2011. I'm invested in the characters, and I just love to have Milch back

I watched both seasons of Frisky Dingo on Sunday (for the fifth time, I believe), and I still don't think Adam Reed has been able to top his work on that show. I love Archer, but Frisky Dingo is just fantastic.

I've played too many RPGs for this to worry me in the slightest, it's just how the systems works and I'm fine with that. But I agree, enemies seem to take a few more bullets this time around and the combat is still a slog.

Well, The AV Club seems to be one of the few publications that actually critique the story of games, maybe because it's not a part of the enthusiast press (IGN, Gamespot et al). The story is part of the reason why this site gave Uncharted 3 a C.

That's exactly why I gave this a B-. The game is good, even with the sometimes extremely cheesy writing, but that ending…it seemed like a big "fuck you" to us as players. It made much of what my character did in the three games pointless, and that's not something I can just ignore.

@avclub-1f5b519cde67ac0d0fcab419aa3048a4:disqus You might be right.