Nice Dolphin Nigga

That's why you should NEVER read the comments over at TVBytheNumbers. Most of the people commenting there seem to have pretty shitty taste in television (like, many of them actually liked The Killing), and rating geeks are the worst geeks ever.

I think you'll find that Game of Thrones is the most popular drama here when it comes back.

Well, another reason why season 2 wasn't as good was because they had to cram so much into it. They knew the show was getting cancelled, so the storylines had to fly by way too fast.

Are people seriously still mentioning the Episode 1 review when talking about Ebert? Aren't we over that already? Mentioning single reviews like that is the dumbest form of criticism.

Well, I found it to be an extremely tabloid piece of political journalism, but I guess that's the point of it. I really enjoyed the John Edwards bits of the books though, and some parts of the Clinton - Obama campaign war. But overall, it was too much gossip and not enough actual politics for my taste. But I guess I'm

I really don't see the connection between liking Mulholland Drive and being a lesbian. He sounds like the broest of dumb bros.

None of my bad dates has ended in anything. I think I'm doing this wrong.

That's why you should only really talk about harmless things, at least until the seventh date (or thereabout). I've had some discussions about politics on dates, and that's never, ever a good thing. Politics and religion, stay the fuck away from those subjects.

I agree that you shouldn't judge a potential girlfriend/boyfriend if she/he has a (in your opinion) bad taste in pop culture. But on the other hand, I've been in a relationship with a girl that fucking LOVED reality TV (like, watched old episode of The Bachelor like I re-watch The Wire) and had the worst taste in

# 1 hits a bit too close to home. I have a tendancy to do that both sober and drunk, but it's especially nice to wake up some rambling bullshit I've sent to an ex or something similar over the phone.

Well, my story has more to do with myself than with the pop culture item. When Avatar came to theaters, I went to see it with the girl I was dating at the time. She pretty much loved it, but I absolutely hated it (and I still do). Being a social awkward nerd, I just couldn't pretend to agree with her after the movie,

Well, you have to take into account the unregistered comments, with all the trolling that brought with it. The AV Club's comment section has, at least in my opinion, always been much better than the avarage comment section.

Personally, I'd put AD over Community. But I can totally understand people not agreeing with that. My top five live action sitcoms (I regard stuff like The Simpson as animated sitcoms), where nr. 1 is the best would be: 1) Seinfeld, 2) Arrested Development, 3) Community, 4) Curb Your Enthusiasm, 5) The Office (UK).


I'll support your choice of best movie of 2007, an extremely good year for movies. Another thing about the movie: The music is just fucking superb.

Well, I just rewatched Home (the X-Files episode), and goddamn if that isn't still the creepiest hour of TV ever made, even after all these years.

Not to mention that Grantland fucking sucks.

Time to once again complain about this column, it would seem.
