Nice Dolphin Nigga

Guess I won't fap to her porn video anymore (I kid, I totally will).

Yeah, he doesn't seem clean when it comes to that phone hacking scandal.

I'm still going with hate. Even fans of the same football team that he supports (Arsenal) pretty much despise the man for being such a whiny bitch. How he ever got the job he currently has is beyond me.

Even after this, I can still not decide who's the biggest asshole: Morgan or Kirk Cameron. God how I hate Piers Morgan.

Well, I think that works better in book form than in a TV series. I believe it'll be more effective if the show shows and don't tell here.

Valhalla Rising might be the best example of this from Winding Refn. I like all his movies, but he can be a bit style over substance at times (most of the times that actually works out, like in Bronson, a film I absolutely loved). But his Pusher trilogy is a masterful example of minimalistic filmmaking, and still my


Hm, this reply makes me believe that this account is some strange, meta gimmick account. I've never seen a spam bot reply to someone like that.

Thanks for the information. I agree, that sure looked like Mario.

Oh, but I LOVE that soundtrack and think it's one of the best things about the movie. The 80s vibe fits a genre movie like that perfectly, and the ambient music adds to the tension.

Are you sure you did the same tricks? And that you kept up your tricky meter for the same amount of time? Because there's no real random factors when it comes to scores in this game. And this game is technical in another way that Amped 3 was technical (I loved the "story" of that game, but I remember the gameplay

So you don't like the game because of one of the modes (you still have the classic tricky and race modes) and the fact that there's micro transactions in the game? That's dumb.

I remember reading an interview just after season 1 had aired, and the creators said that they'd be skipping that fashion choice.

I'm re-watching Life, and I forgot how much I loved that show. It can get a bit too standard procedural at times, but it's really fantastic when it gets going on the running revenge story. And
Damian Lewis' performance saves even the few more mediocre episodes (like the one where they watch someone play Prince of

Futurama is so goddamn amazing, keep watching!

Speaking of The Simpsons, I re-watched Lisa's Wedding (for the tenth time, give or take) this Saturday. I might put that down as my favourite Simpsons episode ever.

Well, Hanna is a strange one. I really loved some scenes in that movie, but other parts felt like filler. It's a good film, but it could've needed some editing.

Well, it has that Andrew Stanton as director (director of Finding Nemo and Wall-E), so at least the CGI should be vastly superior to the shitfest that was Clash of the Titans.

Speaking of visual novels/dating sims, anyone actually tried Hataoful Boyfriend? That game is the reason why the best forum thread in the history of the internet exists (http://www.quartertothree.c…