Kenny Powers

@Tim Gee: Software patents are one thing. Now a full on programming language? I think Oracle has a beef

@BeerManMike: I think you've both overestimated the power of Google and underestimated the value of Oracle.

@darthVato: I'm really trying to figure out if you are really this lame.

This sounds even worse. Not only would the machines have more power than us, they would be able to actually take control of us. This guy is an idiot.

@Spatula: True, but they COULD just allow it for this specific purpose and be done with it.

@BrakTalk: Half the apps in the appstore do this anyways so it's not exactly bringing something new to fold.

@ckcallen: The submitted app had the ability to access private api's. They hid it within the code and Apple overlooked it. Apparently this isn't the first time a camera app has done this although I haven't seen it.

So Slater was hooking up with his brother when police arrived? wtf

@springbreakbox: So by your logic there is only black and white? no grey area? You either like apples or oranges, not both? Either you are for government or against them altogether? Come on bro, these slopes just aren't that slippery

I could be wrong but I see this proposal as essentially killing net neutrality altogether despite what they're claiming. We are increasingly moving toward a wireless world so all their talk about preserving the wired net ultimately means nothing in the grand scheme of things.

@BigManMalone: One of the great things about the internet is the barrier to entry for a start-up is very low. Anyone, young or old, rich or poor can start a business. Everything you just said will destroy that with time because if all it takes is more money to get your site to load faster or get priority bandwidth

@tpg0007: I actually got it to work by installing it through the benm repository. Now it works, pretty much with ads only

To sum it all up:

Just installed it on my iPhone 4 and everytime I tap a flash object it says "could not connect: connection refused"

For me notified and 5 icon dock are the most useful reasons to jailbreak and ones Apple has no excuse not to implement like right now.

@balloon_thief: At first the virtual d-pad seems like a really extremely horribly crappy experience but once you get used to it, it's really not that bad. My problem with Madden on the iPhone are the action buttons. They're nearly impossible to tap without looking first which kills the flow. I wish they'd add swipe

@D-Bomb: I told them I was already going to bring it in because it was having problems searching for service. It kinda seemed like they just needed any reason other than the shattered back to replace it.

I dropped my iPhone 4 about 1 foot onto concrete and the back shattered. Luckily I was able to convince Apple to replace it for free. I really think the glass back was a bad idea though. I'm sure they could have found a plastic that would give it the same look.

@eddyrayb: says the guy with absolutely no need for a recording studio anywhere.