Kenny Powers

@Maave: If Apple allowed them, porn would likely outnumber games in the appstore

I like my porn just as much as the next guy but even I can see the hilarious irony in people calling Jobs "evil" for wanting to get rid of it.

So you're saying PEDs should be accepted in Football?

if folding your socks the normal way is causing you problems you should probably stop buying your socks at the dollar store.

@Bipolar.Bear.Disorder: I'm not really sure why you're so fired up about this. If my comments came off as offensive, I'm sorry, I was just a little hungover.

@James Henderson: No, you completely missed the point. Like your entire post. Both of them.

@panikt: I can't believe people actually believe that ridiculous tale. This was all a setup by Apple

iPhone please.

I love girls with glasses.

I'd like to see Apple incorporate the iPhone/Touch as a game controller for this thing. The possibilities would be endless having the 2 devices running companion apps working together. It'd be a DS on steroids.

@sam_i_am: I downloaded it last night and it actually works pretty well. Perfect for a hmpc.

@captain zach america: I see this complaint a lot but it just doesn't seem to be that big of a problem to me. Granted your fingers block a portion of the screen but not enough to be unplayable. Maybe you're holding the iphone a bit inefficiently or something.