
This isn’t honest journalism. This is how EVERY car company shows cars avaialbe at X price. Bad headline is bad.

Bingo. A lot of the budget goes towards obscenely high salaries and just straight up embezzlement. The MTA needs to be completely transparent about where its budget goes, because I can guarantee that a large portion of their money goes nowhere useful.

How about this. Slash the pay of executives, I’m pretty sure most of them are paid over $150k. And I will get some hate for this, but maybe reduce the number of people you hire. Then take all those millions that you just saved and go from there.

“Looks like you auctioned off your Demon. Guess your next 10 deliveries are nothing but fully optioned Darts and 200s. Best wishes!”

Taking your lead from telecom companies is probably a bad place to start.

Has anybody seen Ja Rule?

A year ago the servers were terrible and it’s kind of ironic that a year later they are still having trouble. I feel like the people who stayed home to play are gonna get more out of this.

I am convinced Ferrari is a just vile company. I don’t have the money to, but if I did, I’d never buy one. Porsche’s cars are as good to drive for far less money, McLaren’s have better performance, and Lamborghini builds better supercars.

It’s funny how compatible a match Fiat and Chrysler were for each other.

You mean 2019... at this rate, this may be one of the least reliable cars released in the past 20 years..

Stay white, and you’ll be alright.

Two obvious takes

A Porsche Turbo S, does 0 - 60 in 2.8sec, is only $161,000, is driveable pretty much everywhere and doesn’t look ridiculous. CP on this.

For that money, better off getting a Rimac. $2mil is absurd.

“Once they’re lifted, local police reportedly said that the vehicles are dismantled within a couple hours of being purloined.”

They dismantle the cars and sell the parts.


As someone who struggled a little to actually GET to the race yesterday (I hate public transportation), this would have made things a LOT easier on me. Central Park is also a beautiful place for something like this.

Right? I couldn’t find the footpegs for the life of me!

If the agreement just says that the Garden must be available 3 times per year, yet no one ever asked them to use it, do they really owe anything?? It would be different if charities were frequently making requests to use it and the Garden never said ‘yes’.