Kenneth Lien

I'm still firmly in the valonqar camp. I have been looking for signs as to what will push Jaime over the edge. Olenna's requiem surely set things into motion. I am wondering if Cersei will insist on punishing Bronn as hinted at in this episode…but something that would really make Jaime go bark-raving mad is finding

They are really stretching it with time here. How long does it take to travel from the Twins to Kings Landing? Jamie was at the Twins after the sept blew up, yet it is still smoking when he arrives in the city. Baldie was in Dorne yet travelled to Essos and then boarded a ship with Daenerys.

Yeah, I've done with the "experts" review after this one, please stop reviewing them with the book at hand. The great thing about this season (and every season since two really, one was pretty close to the book on every page) is that even us book-readers can be surprised. While I do have certain expectations for major

I Bauered once. Didn't get much else done that day.

Yeah, you lost me with this one AV.

TBH he was pretty famous even before GoT.

Actually, for the shoulders to leave their sockets in that position she would have to be raised higher and then dropped. This was an ancient torture technique called The Strappado and it takes quite a lot to have both shoulders leave their sockets at the same time.

Great fun to see Axel Hennie as bad-guy Rask. He didn't get a lot of time, but he makes a good bad guy now as always.

*Pats self on his reference-catching shoulder*

"Jack singlehandedly saved Africa." Best comment ever:-)

Why would you risk these comments if you don't know what will happen?

If Tyrion doesn't get to stab her, I will never watch this show again. (That's a lie)

Obviously the perimeters were not widened.

Huge props to Gleeson for his performance…and even as Joffrey drew his last breath, the absolute horror of the way he died made me, for a tiny second, feel a slight of pity for the king. And then it was gone.