Congressional Republicans are considering giving tax credits to armed private volunteers willing to patrol…
Congressional Republicans are considering giving tax credits to armed private volunteers willing to patrol…
Can’t stand her security state bullshit. I hope she loses. She probably won’t, but I hope she does. We need new and better Democrats.
Not monitoring potential school shooters frees up some time.
Let’s be clear on exactly what’s happening here. Yahoo! Sports is pushing out a press release for the FBI, which is…
When Mike Pence takes pictures of bound and gagged women and uses them for blackmail, he at least makes sure Mother is in the room.
As Senator Marco Rubio was grilled by teens last night, scores of actual professional journalists asked themselves…
Last week, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner announced his office would no longer pursue charges for…
I just want to know what happened to my Noosa Blackberry Serrano. Nothing else matters. NOTHING!
It’s wild that phonies like this crisis actor get all the publicity just because a few kids got shot and killed again, but nobody bothers to give a voice to all the victims of the Bowling Green Massacre.
Just watching part of a PBS doc about the history of middle east conflict and the long ongoing battle between the Saudi’s and Iran.
Yesterday, the New York Times opinion section ran a piece titled “Background Checks Are Not the Answer to Gun…
Missing from Jorge Ramos’ shitlist: All the US lapdogs who have been wreaking havoc in Latin America for decades. Who’s a good doggie, Jorge?
Noosa yogurt is the best.
Is it solely an American legal convention where you can be arrested for resisting arrest, with no underlying charge for that arrest to be resisted? (Say THAT three times fast!)
Let’s not forget he was using spaces meant to be used by people like me. People whose brother in law is a dentist and can get a note to obtain a handicap tag.
Kneel, once-great American cities! Debase yourselves before your god, The Amazon Corporation! Lo—Jeff Bezos is your…
Late Saturday evening, the website published a detailed account of an encounter between “Grace,” an…
“Looking back, maybe naming it Outside The Lines was a little too on the nose.”