
I just saw this photo of Alexis’ goal. Holy crap, he just about decapitated Lloris.

Unfortunately, you won’t receive a legit response on theRoot. Seems as if there’s an anti-Bernie article every day, yet I don’t see the same vitriol spewed toward the white savior Hillary and Bill Clinton. Hmmmmm....

Why does that reflect badly on Bernie? When people mention his participation in the civil rights movement it’s all “what have you done for me lately.” Then he gets directly involved in national politics and suddenly it’s too late?

Seriously, good luck with this crowd. Between The Slot and Jez and this site pointing out Bernie’s shortcomings is considered the height of cleverness, while pointing out Hillary’s flaws is dogwhistle sexism and racism. Also they really love that strawman argument “oh you think Bernie’s sooooo perfect” because nuance

He messed up by fighting for policies like subsidized healthcare and tuition (which obv would have NEVER helped any black people), and should have stuck to kissing babies at the AME church, like Hilldog.

They got extra salty about Bernie and “Berniebros” around the time they started getting taken around by Zerlina Maxwell and hit up by Oprah. Now that Donna Brazille lit the house on fire, it’s back on. Plus isn’t being a “bougie” black person kind of this sites thing?

Joy Reid does whatever MSNBC tells her to do where MH-P was much more afrocentric/much more informative about Black American issues/topics.

He fucking sucks.

When I see Obama mentoring young men I will know his sincerity

Actually fuck Nancy Pelosi

You’d be mistaken in thinking that Dems whole heartedly support the Latinx or undocumented people in the USA.

So let’s not assume that is what you meant, Manny.

Jemele has a right to her personal opinions, but not to publicly share them on a platform that implies that she was in any way speaking on behalf of ESPN.

To be fair, Lalas quit playing on a middling European side for a big MLS payday before it was cool.

This is Lalas in a nutshell. He truly believes soccer is about “leadership,” “grit,” and “determination.” That’s because he knows shit about skill and tactics. USMNT is quite worthy of criticism, but not from this waste of space and his ra ra bullshit.