Kenneth Henderson

Yes, but not everyone likes food that's served on a shovel with the hint of manure. Those are foodies….

I would have called him a lot worse, however David Gahan was very eloquent.

I play vanilla WoW on a private server, and I'm also an old school WoW player from 2004. With that being said, Judgement (tier 3) had healing stats comparable to the tier 2 of priests and restoration druids. I've always played Alliance, and in vanilla, a pallys' job was slways two fold. Off heals and if need be off

Pallys don't wear Devout, not even once. (Yes I played vanilla WoW, and I liked it.) Looks like he was wearing Judgement (tier 3) if my memories serves me right.

Yes she would, however AVClub won't. That's right, you live in pouches, you must be a Joey. :P

Actually I do Teo. Unlike you, you still live in your mom's basement, hiding away from society like a troll, all because of your insecurities.(Wish I could post a pic but alas AVclub doesn't allow it.)

What I said is what I meant. I'm sorry you can't handle that, I am in awe with my wife, (and other strong women) she is stronger than me in so many ways, and for that I will not take that back. So what, you think I'm a buffoon, I've heard worse, I am assuming you don't think the same about your significant other,

Pointing out that you are threatened by strong women and apparently my wife is the point that I was making, go away MRA, you are the buffoon here, not me.

And here to prove my point…..

MRA's are a joke, (and often the butt of….) They only drive is too put women in what they conceive is "their place". To which its women who are stronger than any man that I know. (including myself.) My wife is far stronger than me in so many ways, that I stand back in awe.

My wife is feminine and a feminist, I think you can't grasp what I am saying. Strong women doesn't mean butch, it means that they are strong regardless, feminine or not.

Agreed, I equate it like this: Strong men can aspire to the same heights of strong women. Weak men can't. Words to live by.

Am I the only one who wants this? Honestly, its not that offensive. If it was spewing racist, anti-semitic, and/or homophobic messages, then it would be offensive. (Though, I'm also a parent that explains when its okay to swear, and when its not, my boys ages 15 and 20, were raised to understand what's appropriate and

I'm surprised that they didn't just ask Willow to come in and do a spell, probably would've made more sense in the Whedon universe. (Or he could have just done the dance of shame, Lorne would've loved it,)

"Reality TV" enough said…….

You guys missed one! 1 Million Ways To Die In The West. Ice……

Very happy to hear that Ironsides was cancelled, what a load of crap that show was, and very disparaging towards the disabled to boot! (My wife has CP and a SCI she's been in a chair since birth, and when she first saw the show, she was excited, but after watching the first episode, she had the WTF face. Yea NBC nice