Kenneth Blaney

Strictly speaking, this isn't true. Donkey Kong 64 had a full working copy of the original game, cement level included.

@Rusty Hawk: "Come meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

In a more proper setting, (that is one where you character didn't seem glad about the mission to kill Castro through dialog) this might be a huge "art through gaming" moment because of how it engages the player. Specifically, it would mean different things to different players. An anti-Castro might feel he is enacting

@OutlawDominus: If you don't know, you haven't earned it.

I really thought this was going to be a response to the "specialty store" insult. Oh well, just as good I guess.

Adding two things I didn't see from anyone:

@selvaggio: Ooh! A deal like that might convince me to buy TF2.

Oh mighty Cthulu, how far you have fallen.

This is very rarely the case. If you ask a yes or no question and someone starts with "Well..." it more than likely means you asked a stupid question that requires an explanation. This is actually a pretty common lawyer trick in that they INSIST you answer with a yes or no to a gray area statement in order to paint

@Platypus Man: If you want an upside to this, however. With MSoft's XBLIG service, iOS dev tools, Android app tools and Valve's recent opening of custom models in TF2, it would appear that the big names of the industry are starting to find ways to tap into the nigh limitless creativity of the internet. It won't be

@ChimairaGT: Although everything you said is factually correct about C&Ds, it is also already available for download. So no fear of the long arm of Nintendo here. :-D

@corpocracy: Why you Snake in the grass. I bet that wasn't even that Hard for you and your Magnetic personality. Your the Top and your Spark casts no Shadows thinner than a Needle's point. You aren't a Gemini, are you?