Kenneth Blaney

As a rule, I dislike Mario ROM hacks. Generally they fall in line with "Asshole Mario" and the sort. The designer knows that the game will be played with emulators and thus with save states. As a result, save states are expected to be used as liberally as the jump button. Watching a "Let's Play..." of one of those

@Platypus Man: Unfortunately Nintendo has a strict policy about games developed without a dev kit. They don't allow it under any circumstance because they believe rewarding those who hack their games would just encourage more people to hack their games.

@ChimairaGT: It is already done. Any C and D at this point would be pretty fruitless, especially once it hits torrents.

@corpocracy: But his older brother always gave me the blues.

@NoelVeiga: Well, I was the big brother for these games. So really my only opinion is that I feel replaced by the super guides. :(

@JoetheArachnid: A big part of it is that a good platformer is a bit like a puzzle game. You have to figure out how to get past it and not just rely on twitch reflexes.

@Quest: Minecraft doesn't cost money. It just costs you your free time, sleep and sanity.

@Krackato-ATOMIC COLLIDER!: The problem with implementing fan made patches is the legal issues with those fans then expecting compensation (to which they are certainly entitled to). It is the same reason why very many game devs and Hollywood studio execs won't read unsolicited game design docs or scripts.

@corsair130: If you don't have any grenades handy, you clearly are under prepared for the coming lego zombie uprising.

@Skitch: Hey, it's Skitch! Big fan, dude. If this article gets mentioned in "This Week in Games" I will be a very happy listener.

@crizzyeyes: By "special command" you mean "play on the hardest difficulty"?

@Michael Anthony: The issue is the lack of standardization between games. Worse yet, you can't just press random buttons until what you want happens because there are no buttons.

@jetRink: Great link, thanks. I also just figured out why I like Bioshock so much. It is pretty much exactly what I described.

So Wet gets a sequel and I am still left wanting for Mirror's Edge 2?

They could have gotten away with it if they added silly cartoon sound effects. It would fit the theme perfectly.

@Walking Eye!: Although I agree with what you are saying, the point of advertising is to sell the product without outright lying. If it would boost sales, SCE would advertise that Move is "Now 100% asbestos free!"

You know, I honestly never even thought about it until just now. Older FPSs' poor shooting mechanics were made up for with their maze characteristics. You can even see Half-Life as the transitional fossil in this evolution. Lots of times you were tasked with navigating a maze of jump puzzles and vent systems to press

@coffinmouth: I wish you luck my good man. And yes, it does come down to how management approaches issues of staff morale. If I was appreciated for work that I do, like I suspect you are, I too could probably be coaxed into 12 hour days (possibly even without overtime pay).