Kenneth Blaney

@KillerIri5h: It gets worse. That's actually already in the game.

@Eric Gagnon: So SCE dropped the ball? All is forgiven Team Meat.

Not so much "perpetual dissatisfaction" as "delayed satisfaction". Gamers who have ground there way through lots of levels to unlock reward content have been trained to appreciate delayed satisfaction. They know that doing something they may not like (as much as alternatives) will give them more satisfaction in the

@plasticslug: Check out the minecraft forums. There are a few ways to change your spawn point which involve using 3rd party programs to change a parameter in the game data. Some may consider it cheating, but it beats respawning 25 worlds.

@spiderweb1986: Actually, the studio is up to 4 people now. They are moving into official offices and out of the bedroom in November.

@spiderweb1986: Actually, the studio is up to 4 people now. They are moving into official offices and out of the bedroom in November.

@Devan Dons Streetiti: A) Most games are not publicly alpha tested. So if you want to get technical most games' alpha tests are paid positions.

@gurfinki: In Hell/Slip/Nether/Tesseract when you die all of your items vanish because all dropped items disappear if you leave the surrounding chunks.

@Kanji08: Only you can prevent forest fires.

@Deez: You could start a server where everyone involved agrees to certain rules such as mineral rights. In fact, send me a facebook message if you do, because that sounds like a lot of fun.

@Eggyhead85: Unfortunately, you need to click multiplayer and type in the IP of a server. The server admin chooses the mode.

@Merricat: Makes sense. Too bad. I was really hoping for an eternal forest fire, or "Pain Forest", biome.

@grysl: Rush is always right [wing]. That's one of the problems.

@Makidian: On a related note, a Kevlar blanket wit sleeves sounds like a million dollar idea. It will keep us safe as video games are getting popular and they activate the Murder/Death/Kill part of the cerebral cortex.

@emailforlou: Listen to his show for about an hour and that ounce will probably become too heavy for you to carry around. I suggest you just put it back where you found it.

@Chestnut Bowl: I'm rather surprised by this as all politicos (in general) rally behind family values and often see video games as an affront to those values.