Kenneth Blaney

@sonataofashes: You will still have to work once and a while to stay on unemployment. So sometimes a full time job is just a stepping stone to an unemployment check.

@Two Dogs One Bone: You'll be glad to know it is inadmissible for them to use the Mean Value Theorem to give you a ticket because they can't specify a location for your violation.

@Firelance: Get a ghost costume, dye it green with splotches of dark green. Then run up to people, make a hissing sound and explode.

"This is the kingdom of Galagar"

@ChiltonGaines: Wealthy Gadabout: There is no scripting to worry about (except at advanced levels) and it is otherwise really easy to make cool looking things. Play the demo first and you'll see.

@Wolfbullet: Wow... that is actually an impressive amount of porn. I would have expected at least ONE pokemon site.

@Pope John Peeps II: Best I can tell... it amplifies strength by 10 times thus turning 200 pounds into 20 pounds.

@Machlol: Bravo. You had to duck pretty low to let that joke go over your head.

@aznguy.david002: Oh, I was talking about the game, which a lot of people disliked for various reasons.

@MrGOH: But... that might be just as valid as saying that a specific custom firmware is exclusive to the PSP.

To put it a different way: thanks to Minecraft I now know how integrated circuits work. Red stones!

@QualityJeverage: They could just retroactively rename "Plants vs Zombies" and have it out in time for the theatrical release.

@wirebrain: Stole the idea right out of my mind... wait a minute... get out of my head, man!

@DJEsch: Down, down-front, front, punch. I only count 4.

I am a huge Daniel Craig as Bond fan. I actually liked Quantum of Solace.