Kenneth Blaney

@lonewanderer: And you try to build a shelter to survive at night. Can't forget the night time horrors that will eat you.

@terrible: I think at this point the big thing about the game is not so much that it is really good but that it has the potential to become really good as more and more features get added.

@VicariousGeeee: Super Meat Boy is better. Sure it is basically the same game, but the ability to watch as all your various attempts play at once is priceless in Super Meat Boy.

@LucasTizma: More like the Game System of the People's Republic of America if Obama has his way. Amirite?

@Goldwings: D3 was orginally designed as a PS2 game, but as the development dragged on they upscaled the graphics and ported to the PS3. D4 will be the first 'actual' Disgaea game on the PS3.

@Monty: Educated = "biased towards truth"?

@TheTonyShow: Generally when games are released in a new way (such as digital distribution) their sale value goes down. HOWEVER, this tends not to apply to the few ultra collectible games that can sell for more than original retail.

@dcelzinga: I am actually really surprised about how many of these words there are. I honestly couldn't think of any off the top of my head because I was too busy trying to tell myself that "flammable /infammable" is is contrapositive of the given meaning of contranym.

@Arken: Man you must be able to duck real low to let a joke like that go over your head. Haha.

@TheRealDoshu: Well... I guess that is better than the last fictional operating system I used. My last one tried to kill me on several occasions and I had to melt it down piece by piece to survive.

Its a story about liquid metal and you go with Wolverine instead of the T-1000?

@OMG! meatbag_: So you haven't heard about the Google Soul Beta? It an extension for Android.

@Edgy: Ski masks come with eyeholes. The $5 is the cost of your time.

@The Squid: Perhaps you misunderstand the term "confluence". It wouldn't have happened without the beams, but it hasn't happened other years with the beams but without the other factors.

@Tebasaki: No, no, no. You are thinking of "Epic Mickey". Different game.

@Tomsta_666: Yes we are, and it seems to me the classy thing to do is to not point it out. Haha.