Kenneth Blaney

@Prairie Moon: Yes. So true. When I hear this my opinion of someone drops almost automatically. The only way you can lose my respect quicker than "nukular" is by claiming that " is just a theory" as if that fact alone makes it akin to an opinion.

@pallanti: Your kidding? Your really bothered by that?

@zegota: There's a bathroom on the right.

@Priswell: With all do respect this is important. For all intensive purposes the English language is dying because of this. Oh well, English won't be dominant forever so I guess it is a mute point.

@dcelzinga: Something can be both debatable and pointless. For instance: Are radical politician whatshisname's policies good for the country? Well, he stands no chance at getting elected so it is a moot point.

@Zabadack: Not on your list, but I look exactly like Kratos.

In other news: Airplane crash is possibly related to gravity. More on this at 9.

@Applerain: Statistics are fine. When you start assuming stuff about a specific you haven't met, that is when you are stereotyping.

@tgrantt: Is it because it is purple? That's why mine would love it.

@ddhboy: But, you probably could land a nice Asian girl if you used the tag line "I am looking for a simple girl."

@mtfmuffins: Umm... the triangles aren't a measure of rates of "very serious" they are a measure of reading ability divided by religion and then subdivided by seriousness.

@Lord Byte: In Belgium you are likely to be happier because you live near the best beer in the world.

Someone's sense of scale is WAY off. Those pictures suggest areas that go unsupported for upwards of a mile and are roughly 40ft high. What kind of crazy tensile strength materials are they expecting this to be made from?

@absolofdoom: IamTheS does what he must because he can.

@crimsoneye: Oh, ok. I got your implication backwards. Yeah, I fully agree.