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    Maybe they should find a new job and quit. If everyone demanded more to work there, then the offered wages and benefits would be higher.  Oh wait, there is always an immigrant willing to fill your job and work for less.  Sorry dude, but you’ve been Bezoed.

    I think we finally have found Osama bin Laden...

    People are angry because it looks like corruption. Foxx should have at least had Smullett plead guilty to one count, make sincere apology, and then get probation. Just dropping the charges, when the case is still valid looks like Hollywood privilege.

    I think the point is to bring into political conversation, that the US does not have the resources to cope with unlimited immigration. The cities are better able to handle it than rural areas or small towns, at least in the numbers we are talking about. So why not share the burden, is it right that it have been levied

    Evil huh? Won’t the immigrants be better off in Sanctuary cities? How is this punitive? Won’t they add to the economy of the Sanctuary cities?

    Well, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. Put this in the Pro (vs. Con) column for marriage and family.

    The question is what do you do with them? You cannot lock up any longer. Do you release them into the desert or rural area where you are holding them, does not sound very humanitarian to me? I thought Sanctuary cities welcomed them. NIMBY will outweigh a politician’s principles every time. So what would you do?

    Yes Journalism is dead. It is only propaganda. But this is really rich coming for a group is the first to call anyone on the perceived other tribe, a racist, misogynist, or homophobe. Pot meet kettle.

    Consistently providing the same amount 18-20% regardless of how indistinctive the service was, only encourages the wait staff to start to believe that they are owed it. No, people should give the minimum acceptable, say 15% for mediocre, and then really tip well 25-50% when the extraordinary service is provided.  The

    In advertising, you win when they talk about you. And you remember, yeah I can have chicken instead of a burger.

    Not everyone sits around and rings his hands about toxic masculinity. But you had to drag it into a fun fantasy, really kid’s superhero movie. Please get another job where you can write your true calling, and get us a reviewer that will do his job, not serve his own agenda.

    Why is this in AV Club? Move it over to Splinter.  This is boring. Your politics are boring.  Talk about pop culture and entertainment.

    Well thank god for her music, she escaped the fate of 99.9% of the other girls out there.

    What do you do to recommend stopping it? Lock them all in solitary?

    Gee these arguments make abstract sense until you look at the numbers. We are responsible for 15% of the carbon emission. If we went to zero, the planet is still going to go another 2 degrees higher. At the end of the day, it does not work. You cannot get out of global warning with cuts alone. You cannot do it with

    Guess you are your way to Whole Foods! Bezos needs his money.

    To be fair, do you have an idea of the thousands of line items in the budget? It is enormous. Nobody really knows it without looking it up except in broad strokes and summaries. It is easy enough to criticize Trump, but you just make yourself look pretty naive and uninformed trying to make the case that he should

    Those are some Arrogant Bastards at Miller to think they could get away with this.

    I love how much you downplayed the Islam aspect of this. This is due to their version/interpretation of Sharia Law. It is ok to be against someone’s interpretation of Islam, it does not attack all Islam. The commenters just want to complain about Evangelicals in OK, they have nothing to do with this.

    Avatar? to add to the Gattaca, District 9, Guardians of the Galaxy, the Martian, and Dark City.  Did you do your research?