Not the world’s strongest man in whole, unless he also has the strongest stomach. Worst he paid for it, not the world’s strongest mind, either.
Not the world’s strongest man in whole, unless he also has the strongest stomach. Worst he paid for it, not the world’s strongest mind, either.
Someone poisoned the water of Flint. They should clean it up. Asthma rates in South Bronx are more of a public health, poverty issue. Reducing smoking in the South Bronx would help. Both are acute environmental problems, neither are due to Climate change. No one is saying not to fix these problems. But what do they…
“American exceptionalism is another massive lie that it’s hard for many us, even Democrats, to let go. Many of us have spent our lives learning that if we work hard and try our best, our country will reward us with a stable and humane existence (if it doesn’t, that must be our own fault).” No, just stating that…
I keep hearing how Trump has degraded our democracy, but all you have done is make it easier for him to get re-elected. You cannot impeach him for being Donald Trump. Getting all worked up and emotional, building arguments based on what you want to hear, you are proving the point about bias and unfair treatment. Why…
“Consider that in the entire history of the United States—a history written by a laundry list of war criminals and crooks” That is where I stopped reading
Here is the problem. Truly a tragedy. But just one question. Is it reasonable to expect people to overcome the loss of a close friend, survivor’s guilt, and PTSD? Was there more going on for her? Is the Parkland shooting the main cause? I don’t think most of us would commit suicide in her shoes. I think about what…
Why didn’t they go to the police? A lawsuit only provides money. Without a finding against the pilots, what do you want JetBlue to do? Put themselves in wrongful termination jeopardy. This sucks because it was not handled right.
Best answer would be Martin goes back and puts out a revised trimmer version, no Dorne, no Aegon/Connington. Revise for a pregnant Jeyne Westerling to be at the Red Wedding and die. Make Sansa marry Ramsey. But I like a living Mance and Lady Stoneheart, and push in the direction of the TV series but embellished.
Well AOC is doing everything she can to get Trump reelected. Everytime she puts out some impossible, unaffordable, and unresearched framework of an idea, really just a goal; she help them more than anything else.
This just sounds like you are trying to polish a turd. The only indictment and convictions of any of the Trump’s men, are on 1) real criminal acts that Trump is not involved in. or 2) lying to investigators/congress. 3) Russians who have no tries to Trump. The angle of too many links to Russians who have links to bad…
Martin wanted to finish the series, but he expanded both the size and complexity outside of his control and comprehension. That means he cannot find a consistent path through that gets to where he wants. He needed to progress the story and trim more characters/fates as he went. This is what the TV did, after all in…
Really critical of such studies, have heard some far fetched stuff over the years, “Cranberries are bad for you, etc.” The problem with studies from grad students is that grad students need to graduate, therefore findings.
Basically this is just a trap for stupid people. It is not going to happen, ever. Because states are not going to vote to make themselves irrelevant. So no constitutional amendment.
Gee, a tongue in some porn star’s skeevy ass. What could he been thinking? Yes one for the Barf bag. Isn’t some #metoo stories that are not disgusting?
This is a unreported men’s epidemic, they need your help. So give generously.
I think the lesson here is that. What comes around goes around. For a couple of years in opposing Trump people have lost their shit. Clearly, by harassing officials, Jim Accosta stealing the mic. Coming up with endless investigations. Media not fact checking. And calling everyone racist or sexist or homophobe. The…
Yeah nobody prefers to earn money, they prefer to just take it. Better yet claim it is their right. When this happens, nobody works at least until they bring the guns. That is the transition from socialism to communism. That is when you find out if you are a worker or an elite. If you are holding a gun, working…
cut fascism, paste socialism, cut socialism, paste communism.
Making his bones in the Pharmafia. This will allow him to network with other criminals to really organize their organized crime.
She is not winning. She does not have good relationships with the people in her party that will allow her to have accomplishments. She is going to have nothing to show for her time other than survival and that is not assured. Nobody is out there saying what a great rep. she is., being defended is not the same…