Shouldn’t someone be worried for the next time, Tlaib, Omar, and AOC say something that is going cause controversy? I mean they are doing their best at getting Trump reelected.
Shouldn’t someone be worried for the next time, Tlaib, Omar, and AOC say something that is going cause controversy? I mean they are doing their best at getting Trump reelected.
Any sane person would not cooperate with their own demise. The optics are it appears like House Dems. decided the goal is impeachment and then look for a crime. This is going to drag out, the House Dems will have nothing to show for two years, and will prove the witch hunt meme, leading to a GOP victory at the polls.…
Just because you don’t understand how things work, doesn’t mean it is ok to recommend suicide. Pelosi understands that this can never work. And if imposed it would destroy the country (or at least it would have to be repealed in a couple of years before it did).
Ok so people who have no money, think ok if we use all the money of the nation on the new Green Deal, then we get the promises. No, you run out of money before you get really anything. Same deal as what the Venezuelans signed up for, all they got is starvation. You think like they did, “Well at least I sock it to the…
1 in 4 assaulted. I find that hard to believe that large a number. Ok, what do you mean by assault? Also doesn’t the phrase “CNN estimates” means they are lying.
What no penises drawn on their face? I am a fan of raccoon eyes. That’s the way we did the drunk regret look back in college.
No ones is provably stupid and the other two are antisemitic.
I think you are missing the point, Amazon was establishing a relationship with NYC. It is not about beating them. Like any relationship, both sides need to get something out of it, or like Amazon did, they left to find someone else. You dont beat corporatism by hollowing out your city. NYC gets nothing now. If you had…
Too much spicy mustard on her sandwich, huh.
So it is racist to be against giving money to Black people because they are black? I demand you give $1000 to the next black person you see, or you are a racist!
Tottenham are up near Arsenal in Revenue. The new stadium should make them money and continued success will bring the fans. It is a work in progress, but they need to keep 1) Poch and 2) enough players to keep their place. It has been a hard road supplanting Arsenal, and now maybe Chelsea and ManU. So things are…
He is a 17 year old Catholic School kid. Good Luck with the search.
Everyone in the comments talks about tax refund or what you paid. That is just based on what your withholding is. If you get a refund, you are withholding too much. Uncle Sam holding your money does nothing for you. Bad move if significant. You should always pay, albeit you need to be able to afford to pay and not get…
The tea leaves say Mueller is finally preparing to begin the end of the final stage of the introduction of first section in draft of his report, according to CNN, who cannot be happy since they literally don’t think anything but Trump or what can be blamed on Trump is newsworthy.
Seriously dude pay the $250. Borderline bestiality is that what you want to be known for.
The press right now is believing what they want to believe, they are sloppy, and neglect journalistic standards. Looks at the latest Covington HS and Smollett scandals, further they can do damage, they have a bully pulpit. They rarely right or compensate for the wrongs they do. Why do they deserve complete protection…
Back in the day, they just used to bathe in the blood of virgins.
OMG a Republican lawyer at CNN!! This will definitely affect their journalistic purity. BTW what are qualifications to be a journalist, failing every other major in college where you would learn how things actually work..
Scariest movie ever. I hope he quits while he is ahead. There is more to life. But I have a feeling that he will play it like “Deal or No Deal” all the way down.
Ah the issue of correlation and causation!! Does anybody know if these people women who were over 50 and drink a lot of diet soda, were perchance over weight? Because I would surely like to know that that was not a factor, while I wait on what mechanism is the cause of health problems.