Here is the thing. People say things for a reason. What is McCabe’s reasons? Should we believe him? Why? Because we hear what we want to hear? How many times can you get burned that way? Before you learn some caution.
Here is the thing. People say things for a reason. What is McCabe’s reasons? Should we believe him? Why? Because we hear what we want to hear? How many times can you get burned that way? Before you learn some caution.
Oh No. The only superhero series that showed how devastating the villains could really be. Mind control is a trope in the genre. Every super has been control a time and again. But the Season 1 Purple Man was devastating, best TV in genre. This is going to leave a mark.
You need to consider economics and human nature, before you try the socialist approach. If allowed you would fail for the same time honored reasons. Your goals (medical care and health for all) is worthy, but your methods for the current civilization and with people’s basic self interest.
Celebs , most likely dirtbags (or will be tempted until they are dirtbags), as seen though the eyes of the tabloids can only horrify and shock, and the only thing that can make it worse is the comments of a heterophobic misandrist. I wish you lots and lots of celeb love.
Free money is not free, it is more than likely stolen.
To be fair, often times journalists give the interviewee a softball question to illicit and definitive answer. To get her to say, “ No I did nothing wrong.”
C.K. he is not really very good at football. Kareem is.
Not to mention, Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder!!
She should not just complain about other peoples movies, but rather write her own movies and make them containing the stereotypes she wants to portray.
Here is the thing. You are looking for a short cut. You are looking for an excuse to vote yourself a way to take from others. “They have plenty so they owe me some.” If that is allowed, it destroys society. Proven by history time and time again.
Wow just started reading it. What it really needs is on each point the preface, “Wouldn’t it be great if..”
If I dont have to come up with ways to pay for it. ANY of us can come up with a hundred ways to make the world a better place. Unfortunately, you need to do it, without destroying what we already have. A 70% tax rate is significantly higher than they can get elsewhere. It is a net loser. The top 1% pay more than the…
So your argument is Kaine cannot be sensitive to minorities because he grew up with only 5% Black people and was rich. And KC is not diverse bc a nurse wore blackface for Halloween. And a lot of other anecdotes from around the country.
Gee, who is to blame for this new can of worms opened in the area of politics? Believe every woman, and zero tolerance for blackface, so how is that working out for you? What goes around comes around. The Democratic Party making an art out of being shortsighted.
There did not seem to be any pickles, onions, tomato or lettuce (standards for a Whopper), I guess he likes it plain, but it is not as good an optic.
Of course he was hurt. Maybe not visibly, but enough to make him just an ordinary guy, a guy who could not do his job. Happens.
Toot your own horn is not going to get WaPo any respect. “You should believe us, because we send reporters to risky places where they get killed.”Journalism works best when the Journists are free from agenda, seem unbiased, and are frankly not part of the story.
Wait what.. Republicans cannot use racist shaming against Democrats, that belongs exclusively to the Democrats!
Drew, Read the constitution. But first maybe read its owner’s manual. It is called the Federalist Papers, but Alexander Hamilton. He knew what he was doing.
It is a horror story, one of the oldest. Attempting some kind of social commentary out of it, is pretty ludicrous. He is not feeling entitled, he is obsessed and delusional. There is a difference. Somehow equating masculinity in general, with being a stalker. Good luck with that. This commentary has the desired…