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    All I see is petty tyrants wringing their hands to judge history by today’s ethics. Rather that accept history for what it was. Yes, and I agree with the assessment of its evils. Ma Ingalls was a bigot and had racist ideas, not uncommon in her day. But to wipe her daughter’s impact because of the accurate portrayal,

    Celebrities they are just as stupid as the rest of us!

    In reply to this story, Arianna texted, “ She has no regerts”

    Just what are you trying to say here. Since he has money and has demonstrated he is not the best human being, that the two are related.  This is a sample size of 1.  Can’t you find a better story, rather than plumbing for bad individuals to attempt some social commentary?

    This is why we have trials. She did it, but needed to save the boy.   I will get up at arms if something bad happens to her.

    Selfies dont make your brain bad; People with bad brains take alot of selfies.

    I have heard the tape of the Hebrew Israelites verbally abusing everyone. Really vile stuff. Kids 12-17 have a right to feel threatened by abusive grown men.

    Ok, you are so funny. The Democrat leadership need not worry about the left being difficult?? On AOC’s first day, she participated in a sit in at Nancy’s office.

    You really need a talking to. Your editor should look at the liabilities associated with advocating arson. You are proposing setting fire to the Wisconsin State Christmas tree. This is not your property and represents a danger to others, since undoubtably it is large and would burn quickly. You may be committing a

    The reason why you dont need to worry about stupid people, is that they get wrapped around the axle about stupid trivial BS.  Have at it.

    Your fallacy is to think you are immune to this. There is a different line for the men who you know, who share the same politic beliefs, family, etc. All people think they are reasonably good, not just men. When you say that men are rejecting the humanity of women, are you not rejecting the humanity of men? You deal in

    Basically all of them died by their own hands. Usually greedy, thinking we are stupid hands.

    No it is not. Socialism is an economic system. Plus other countries such as Finland, Sweden, Denmark also are not socialistic. They are capitalistic countries with high taxes. Socialism has failed wherever it has been tried at the national scale.

    Why do Republicans hate successful women who spout socialism so much?

    Seriously, the whole piece talks about her coat. While the first thing she does is go in on a sit in at Pelosi’s. Seriously, did she ever try to ask nicely about the climate change agenda? Maybe a nice email for starts.

    You should have an editor. The last two paragraphs are where you added your own opinions, which are neither accurate or helpful. This sounded like journalism until that point. But for almost everyone, there is nothing mundane about this.

    The operative word here is “free” All those things like healthcare and college are worthy goals. Ing. is not criticizing the goals just the approach.

    Because Trump must stand there and get called a racist by a pompous report, it is CNN’s right.

    What I learned... a woman wanting to please a man is the worst thing in the world.

    Look, your ideas are crap. The people you tout are crap. But some of the issues are not. While there should be some income inequality, too much is very bad.