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    Harvard’s idea of diversity is reduce Asians by 15% and increase millionaires by 200%.

    This was a no win for her. She had already misappropriated native heritage for academic and career gains. She deserves what she gets. I mean how you feel about the man who is 4% black and want to qualify as a minority black contractor benefits? I don’t think she is a good Pres. candidate, better to find out now.

    Frankly from a pragmatic point of view, monitoring creepiness hurts your position, unless it is only included to add evidence to a more significant charge like harassment.  Creepiness alone can be subjective and therefore difficult to prove. Also, it usually is not a crime. Concentrate on crimes, where there is a

    First, that is the difference between ethics and morals. He agreed with #metoo, but thought he had a pass because he was an ally and she let him stay over. But he does not have any morals. He is a bad dude and a dumb ass as well.

    What is going on here is that the Senate Democrats tried to hold a line that was going to fail. They thought they could and really became obsessed with making resisting Kavanaugh the same as a referendum on #metoo. At least they thought it would make it look bad for the Republicans if they ram it through.

    Sorry to burst your bubble. But maybe you should google”San Francisco and feces and needles” or “California exodus”. Unfortunately, the politicians in Cali have been playing around with tax payer money so long, that the taxes are so high, housing is so expensive, so much so that you dont need another reason to leave

    Simple to prove. Did Kavanaugh go to Beach Week in 1980 as a Freshman? Now the weak point is claiming Swetnick whose testimony is almost surely false. So many reasons. Really just repeats those claims with the same phrasing, anybody could have written it, did this accuser even know them?

    Looks like he is flexing.  Dude let your stomach out.

    Should just drop any discussion of Swetnick, not credible in any way. This just distracts from any serious allegation.

    Uh NBC has already modified the story.  Please read the actual transcript.  Judge K. says that that he got word from classmates that Ramirez was contacting them trying to corroborate her story. That is when he learned of it.

    Wow Trump and Kushner are going to make a fortune building these homes to gentrify the cities.  I wonder what the income limit is going to be to buy these homes.  Surely, in NYC it is going to factor in cost of living and I wonder how many young professionals are going to be able to buy their own homes.

    It is time to say, Thank you Capt. Obvious!!? ... no... ok.

    Actually as a Senator you don’t have to gin up anything. There are always plenty of activists on both sides to make accusations. The key is to make them unrefutable, so they dont go away. Added a strong emotional appeal. Even if it does not appear to work, it always does damage, the mud that sticks help with

    The Republicans were wrong for not giving Merritt Garland a hearing. The Democrats are wrong for threatening to use the same tactics. This is forcing the Republicans to force this through before any investigation can be complete, which is again wrong. It would have been nice if this could have extended beyond

    So a college student (20) three years older than Kavanaugh (17) repeatedly drove about 15 miles from Gaithersburg to Bethesda to attend High School parties where she knew girls were repeatedly gangraped. She did not report them but keep attending until she was gangraped? Were any of these gangrapes every reported,

    Does it really surprise you that someone does not have morals but follows your ethics? This guy is a dbag but frankly these woman must take some of the blame. They refused to ban him at the first signs of being manipulative. Let him come back and come back. He preys on the weak. Notice how he used accusations of

    Nothing more than tropes and sexism. Do any of the adult male characters act like adults or even have a functional intelligence? And the husband is a stock character. Why would she marry him? Are her coworkers actually competent enough to get to work, and work without destroying the company? The goal is to make her

    How about a real writer writing the show. God, the writing on all of these shows is awful. Hoping for She-Hulk, but CGI is too expensive and I dont know any actress that can really pull it off, but maybe some tall female body builder might work. But then again I did not think Lou Ferrigno was believable. 

    Bill Clinton, the one who paid settlements on sexual harassment and was accused of rape. Hilary, who cheated Bernie. Seriously, put the tail lights on the Clintons. If Kavanaugh tanks, and they win the Senate. then either they confirm one of Trump’s picks in the next two years or don’t then they look bad, like they

    Here is the thing you stopped listening and are only interested in supporting your position. It is not rape. It is a 35 year old allegation of a sexual assault, groping in this case, by a high school kid. Credible in that she is a respectable member of society, but has zero evidence, does not even know when or where.