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    I just wish that people did not get so over their skis here. It is enough to have the NYT number of 1000. But it keeps going up. We should not play into survey results of estimated deaths, only real deaths with bodies. Also this business of attributing deaths months after. Like the man who died in a fire that a

    I hope that people understand that McDonald’s is a franchise. That means people own individual McDonalds.  Corporate is responsible for ensuring each franchisee is not allowing sexual harassment.  I am sure that they have some policies and training, but the question is are they doing enough.  The individual

    Instead of just arguing credibility on the basis of political alignment, can we get some facts here? Like what year, place, and time did the alleged assault happen? Even approximate? Has it been established that she know Kav. (they did not go to the same school) or did they just meet at that party? Who was her friend

    Here is my problem with this. Just because you are legitimately protesting a wrong, a cause that I agree with them, that does not give you the right to break the law or be a jerk. One does not justify the other. You do not have the right to do whatever you want, if you are saying it supports your cause.

    Your comments does not follow with the political narrative of this site.  Your statements of fact detract from the outrage, so are unwelcome.

    No campaign promises are not concrete commitments. Sorry Cyndy. Symbolism is forgotten by tomorrow and you could not beat the human lump of coal that is Cuomo (isn’t that italian for human lump of coal?).

    Let’s make Cuomo great again.  .... wait Cuomo was never great.

    What is clear is that the left is pulling out all the stops to stop Kavanaugh. How much is this about Obama’s pick not being given a chance, ie. payback.  How much is really true that Kavanaugh would kill abortion?  Is that just a ploy to mobilize the resistance?  This appears to be a delaying tactic.  Notice how

    Citing “people familiar with the situation,” that means that people in the white house staff are leaking this, because this is important enough to risk their jobs to leak? Because there is no press in the room. If I was working in the white house I would not talk to the press. So why did they leak this petty crap?

    A name means little. The Nazi Party is only a nickname, their official name was National Democratic Party. I love the part where he says There was some violence and noone condons violence. That is just a throw away statement, when most of his other comments seem to indicate that violence against supremacists and

    This is everything I hate about activism. First Colin K. decided to make a smart and dumb choice for his police violence protest. It is smart in the sense that everyone is paying attention, dumb in that he involved the flag/anthem. Now patriotic people are forced into the false choice of either disrespecting the flag

    Except for the fact, that the very right you are using to publish this vitriol is the First Amendment to the Constitution, the right to free speech.

    Love the irony. Why didn’t you say stop getting your news from Splinter.com or is that what you mean by the Internet?

    Ok, they were finished off by NAFTA.  Would a union be able to stop that?

    How about some men don’t read the profiles. They dont care what she has to say.

    It is one thing to be a socialist, but dont be a dumb socialist. Here the one thing to get through your thick skull. You cannot make them give you their money. They will flee if you jack up the tax rates. Isn’t that what happened in the EU. Also, dont think you can just nationalize the business. Venezuela tried that

    So you are not going to admit that you and most of the other journalists have taken sides and share in all the guilt. That they are inciting the left. That they have lied, harassed, and plotted. The Journalists killed were not political killings, and Charlie H. was terrorism. Steve Scalise was shot by an incited left

    It is an interesting classic problem in economics and we will see if Boston resorts to Socialism to make things worse. The question is first, is there are a racial component here or is that just a consequence? It is becomes a racial discussion, then I guarantee nothing gets done. But lets look at it from purely an

    It is like you are on some kind of drug, that makes you go hyberbolic in screaming the faults of people. Sullivan, now he is a racist and white supremacist. In the Hans Christian Andersen Snow Queen (the original not the Disney) the devil’s greatest power was a magic mirror that only showed the bad in people. And

    Ok, was there a crime here? How old are these claims? Or is this just some women who Leo was rude to or sexually harrassed in the past, that want to come forward. Maybe they should have gone to the police, and maybe Bekah should have gone to the police, because what is her basis for knowing anything about any of