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    My main thought in reading your piece was, “sorry about your lack of education and prejudice.” And frankly that is what is pandemic, is prejudice. Sarah Jeong is no higher in the gutter than Roseanne Barr. I dont know if it is hardcore racism, but I know there is bias there. Not really in favor of making huge moves on

    They are actually paying more, that tax rates are PROGRESSIVE. Since the bottom 45% do not pay taxes, but mostly get money from the government. You need to understand that I am not going to debate what is their fair share, or if they have a lot of money left over, and they do. But rather, where the money comes from.

    Some of the communist block countries were not poor to begin with. Look at the difference between East and West Germany. Look what has happened to Venezuela. They were getting wealthy as a oil producer, until they adopted socialism. That comes from taking the short cut, there is wealth -> let’s redistribute the wealth.

    The genie is out of the bottle. The cat is out of the bag. There is no way to stop the technology, you can pass all the laws you want to punish afterward, but you cannot prevent with a law.

    Easy. Every communist block country. If you want an American answer, the military and VA systems, if you are military member or veteran (particularly veteran) and you need something medical that is not routine, they often pay for it out of pocket.

    There is just a couple of problems with your idea. And problems like this are the reasons why Venezuela is where it is.

    This is a horrible idea for economic, sociological, psychological reasons. First, the government does not have the money, about 3 Trillion dollars a year, assuming that 250M people in the US are over 18. And if it did have the money, it can spend it better than this. It also creates a strong de-incentive to work or at

    Let’s be honest, Stormy extorted $130K from Trump right before the election, when she had the most leverage. But like many extortionists, thought she could get some more money and fame, and came back for more.

    My question is, is this a scandal website or is there any thing actionable here? Paying hush money for a consensual non crime is not illegal. And you can send unlimited amounts of money on your own campaign. All Trump needs to show is that he reimbursed with his own money. Really all he needs to show is that even when

    I am sure FDR would have taken one in the knee, it would not have mattered much.

    This is where you can take stock and realize where you have gone wrong. You are trying to perform a Bechdel test on Boondock Saints. You are counting how many minorities are in each scene and how they are treated. Can you put aside your hyperfocus on social justice for a hour or two.

    It has been a really popular bandwagon, to jump on anything Damon says. So he showing some loyalty to a friend, rather than shaming him like you want. Quit being such a shamer.

    So done with Men in Black, hated the last couple of movies, so how about she gets a better story, rather than this rehashed stuff but now with a woman lead.

    So you are asking me to believe that she just allowed this to happen, she just stood there and smiled? You would have thought that she would have flinched. Also the person who took the photo had no clue? This sounds fishy to me.

    You need to separate facts from people’s perception. Everyone sees things differently. Boil it down to the undisputed actions.

    Look critics are going to at best like not love a super hero movie. It is a super hero movie. Not many movies get univeral acclaim. And yeah they cannot relate to it as well as others. Why can’t you let it go? Movie critics don’t matter. And yeah they are scared to say what they really think.

    Sorry Jen, but if you wait 8 years, he is going to be hotter and you, well not so hot, and probably not the top of the A list anymore. Cue Sad Trombone.

    Showing they still have a head ruins the effect. Amateurs!

    You know what. I have seen a ton of protests, sit-ins, die-in etc. They don’t accomplish anything but awareness, but let’s face it folks, we are aware.

    Isn’t this the plot of Bridgette Jone’s Diary? Or was that I Love Lucy? Anyway, if these two get together, they will have a lot to tell their kids about their first date.