If this were healthy, we would be doing this all of the time. No reporting about that, rather lets talk about handbag separation anxiety.
If this were healthy, we would be doing this all of the time. No reporting about that, rather lets talk about handbag separation anxiety.
Left: The image Hollywood thinks they have. Right: Hollywood’s image with the public.
Unfortunately, very typical you have a person who goes “ poor me” I need help. I need emotional support. I need special privileges. But the minute it becomes inconvenient, you see how selfish and cruel.
Same ole clap trap. Please don’t let the anecdotes of Rodger, Turner, Trump, ad infinium reflect the behavior of most men. What if I did that with Wuornos, Casey Anthony,.... Or in another way, Good luck in estimating the mean from the extrema.
This is really the best Marvel super hero TV series. Only Legion competes, with its topic of mental illness, and not trusting your mind or what is real.
Yes let them all go. There is no way they would commit anymore crimes, even though there are no consequences. But I demand they get a firm slap on the wrist. It should sting.
Isn’t there another article on this site, where the number of fetal alcohol syndrome children born are up 5%? To heck with that, get your drink on, girl!!
Finally, Daniel Bruhl can take rest from playing Nazis.
This is from the Onion, right?
The fallacy here that none of the non-illegal wrongs that you mention could been mistaken as a positive action, like sex could. If she enjoyed and wanted the sex, there would have been no problem. But if she wanted the sex (no matter how slightly), but found she did not enjoy it. Can she complain she was assaulted?
You are missing a few things. You want to make Grace a reliable narrator (in spite the telephone game distortion of Babe’s retelling). All humans have poor literal memories, our perceptions of what happened can be influenced by what happens next, and how we feel about it. This is science, and how witnesses can make…
Pretty disturbing words. But these are not the ideas of great thinkers or philosophers, but those of terrorist and dictators. Each emphasized their victimhood and how their group was oppressed with flowery speech and vague theory. They justified great harm to their scapegoats based on their supposed and sometimes very…
So basically you were saying, when you lived in a bubble is was fun to poke fun at those in a bigger bubble. But now that your bubble is burst, you have no sense of humor because you are too busy hyperventilating. See, said it all in two sentences.
Is it just me, am I alone in finding the use of human tissue/parts used for beauty products, quite disturbing. Also, there is a distinct lack of sensitivity here on the topic of male circumcision. Is that sexism or a lack of compassion for a babies pain?
One of these two is going to have sex here sometime. Am I wrong to think that if it is not with each other, that the one left out is going to be hurting while they spouse is out having sex. The only thing that makes sense is if he is gay.
This is pretty much a ridiculous attempt at calling this an example of gender inequality. Mark Wahlberg is very bankable and carries movies by himself, the same cannot be said for Michelle Williams. He negotiated a better deal using that power. She probably could have negotiated better but maybe not as much as…
What comes of #metoo? not as much as you would think. Clearly, the women involved have been doing everything they can, to do it in. The problem is the absolutism. If a man gets called out for naming a song “Take back the night”, or lose his job for touching a knee over a decade ago, or for believing that a friend did…
Somebody needs to be brave and refuse to take ridiculously less.
Sorry to inform you that you suffer from a disease where you see everything through a filter of social progressivism. You should not be counting up minorities to see that it meets quotas. Also it is wrong to see Culber as just a gay man, and Giorgiou as just a woman captain. Their sexuality and gender should not…
Wasting your time is counter productive. They should be working on things that could pass.