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    KFC policy is let him go, if he finishes it!

    OMG, something positive, Thank You Sarah!!

    A slow day in finger-pointing when you have to go after Justin T. for acting in a Woody Allen movie and calling a song “Take back the Night”.

    The men know better than to mention it. They would be criticized from not knowing their place and some would be called hypocrites. Better to curl up into as small a ball as possible and hope the whole thing blows over.

    I dont want to invalidate or challenge anything you are saying, but maybe can a few insights.

    The only thing we really know is that Alexie is a racist. He liked it before he knew a white man wrote it, and didn’t after. Only fools try to read more into it that what it is, it is about one man.

    Now she is a cultural icon, all she did was try to kneecap her competition, she should not be more famous than Nancy .. uh.. what’s her name.?

    You really shouldn’t be doing these reviews. It is clear that you should keep to politics and leave the bodice ripping romance series to someone who appreciates them. I guess the NYT is not hiring. Let’s face it the whole show serves to make Claire and Jamie look good. They are white, they are supposed to be heroes.

    Rather the typos indicate the educational prowess or sloppiness of those who seek your help. To jump to the conclusion that it is a child a bit much. But I would go with someone who is very immature. You were kind of blase with her.

    It is amazing how anti-male your column is. I don’t think you see it.

    So just what was the sexual harassment of Greene? Getting drunk, saying she had something on her skirt. A reasonable person would have assumed food. She claims that other parties told her of his remarks, rather than he actually said it to her. Also avoiding someone is not harassment. She might have a case against the

    Aw too bad Charlie you struck out. Joe Biden you are at bat, next.

    Sure Witch hunt is not exactly, right. Somewhat like the reign of Terror during the French Revolution or other instances where due process was suspended and everyone is scared to support anyone accused. When we will go after someone innocent. Sure it was about Harvey Weinstein a month ago, yesterday it got Al Franken,

    You take Al Franken out of Hollywood, but you cannot take the Hollywood out of Al Franken.

    Do men read these books, or it has it become books by women for women?

    ... Or you can be a bunch of single mothers ... don’t like that then lets just end this failed human race experiment and give you all mandatory birth control.

    The press is not free, you have to pay, but what you mean is the press is free to print anything they want, real or made up, based on their own agenda. No that has not changed.

    The real reason is that it won’t work. Just like laws against smoking pot did not work. If a large segment of the population, flouts the law. It cannot be enforced. You will just be locking up more people for gun laws violations.

    Culturally forcing a poor guy to put many month’s of his salary into a ring that his fiance holds hostage to prove his love is sexist. Both can wear cheap rings or nothing (depends on what cheap means to you).

    No that is just sexist. We are not all complicit. Most men have nothing to do with Hollywood or any of the seats of power. Also, you don’t own my life, such that I must spend my life going around and battling against misogyny. What you can say is this. Power corrupts. The constant over all of these men was they had