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    No let’s be real here. If you are sexually attractive, then your prospects are now diminished by managers preventatively not hiring you or not giving you opportunities where they might see you would provide a “distraction”. Even they would see this as not your fault, but are going to be pragmatic. They are going to be

    How about, “I find your attitude and close mindedness very exhausting!” or “There is nothing like rushing to judgement.” “Sure I have some internal biases that I trying to fight, but so do you and I am not sure you are trying to fight them.”

    In sum, Ellen says that cisgendered white women have a more privileged victimhood than minorities. They are the glamour victims and we should focus on other victims in the minority community. We should focus more attention on others on the poor and powerless victims that nobody knows or cares about. Hence they

    Dirt is still dirty, and ugliness is still ugly, not matter what the purpose or side it is on. I am only willing to go so far with condemning inflammatory imagery even in a good cause.  Those who would support this, condone it, helps make it fair game, and what happens when the shoe is on the other foot.

    Finish Dragon’s lair, by watching other people play and by memorizing when to hit the buttons, otherwise it was a huge waste of quarters. The very end was especially tricky.

    Does Gal Gadot pee? Why of course, but with the power of Wonder Woman, the stream will cut through stone and unfortunately porcelain as well.

    Somewhere Ben Indra (Faris’s cheated upon ex) when reading about the split with Pratt, put down the news paper and said “Karma’s a bitch.”

    I am not sure people quite get it. The part where all these people went along. Weinstein over his years must have talked a lot about feminism, attended many functions, Was he a secret misogynist? Or rather he believed in feminism and prosecuting misogyny for OTHERS, but due to his huge ego and power, he thought the

    Jane, I cannot believe you gave such bad advice to the 29 year old who wants to start dating (if he exists). You tell him not to worry about approaching anyone. Jane, if he does not, woman mostly are not going to approach him. Why, because they have not already. Even if a few do, ie. enough opportunities in a

    Rose sold her silence for 100K. 100K vs. more victims, selfish. Now she scrambles for influence and 15 more minutes of fame. Why doesn’t she just go down to the police station and give evidence? All the enablers are looking how to best lie their way out of this. They were and always will be about themselves. The

    Let move past this “he made me uncomfortable” and focus on the crimes, the rapes and the sexual assaults, and those who covered up crimes. Surely there is more here, some women must be embarrassed and fear that they have something to lose. Also, we know Affleck is guilty of sexual assault as well, and Damon is

    Where she goes wrong is saying that she needs to tell all men this. Harvey Weinstein had huge power over actress (meaning he believed he could get away with it), had a huge ego (extremely selfish in that getting what he wanted was the only thing that mattered to him), and no morals (saw nothing wrong with doing this).

    The worst thing you can do is to try to implement superficial ideas. That is where Pol Pot went very wrong. What makes you think you can find out what any of the rich really have in liquid assets? And if they are liquid then the millionaires just move them out of US reach in a heartbeat. Not to mention you would be

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer hypocrite. Ok so who is next? while these powerful famous Hollywood types’ shields are down. Time to get the truth out, before Hollywood locks ranks.

    The problem is that as individuals get more and more destructive power, and a few are just as crazy and violent as ever, there will be the necessity for the police state for self preservation. First comes the surveillance, next the state intrudes on all our freedoms to prevent these disasters. That is what is really

    Well you only have two years to get an ID (drivers or passport, etc.). I would hope voters would care enought I don’t know about those people who don’t have birth certificates, but one ID for every SSN, and if there is identity theft you can figure it out. Now, the best answer is that the government keeps a record of

    There are other jobs. No one is holding a gun to their head. And BTW nobody was hiding these salaries while they were in college deciding what to study. Is this a failure to help oneself, poor planning, or stubbornness. You dont always get what you want.

    It is not sex. It is a number of issues including sticking to some traditional values, not recognizing reality, and not changing your approach. Let’s get past, the “I dont need a man” and recognize you would like one under the right circumstances. So what are you doing to find one? In this era of equality, are your

    Actually, he did not fill out the form wrong, they have it on “the Smoking Gun” site, there is a pic of the form showing he marked the right box. Someone entered it wrong in the computer. But hey, have at it.

    Such a brilliant show, but I feel that they did not squeeze all the juice out of the first 800 or so attempts. Plenty of comedy left unexplored. It did feel a bit rushed. But now that they have exhausted the premise of the show, what are they going to do now? Uncharted waters and plenty of opportunity to paint