So, basically the James Cameron Wonder Woman has a gun metal gray bustier and cargo pants. Her face is smeared with grease and blood and swears while cocking a shotgun.
So, basically the James Cameron Wonder Woman has a gun metal gray bustier and cargo pants. Her face is smeared with grease and blood and swears while cocking a shotgun.
The high tax rates tax the top level professional class, which are not as rich as you think., not not against the really rich. The really rich don’t make wages, they make their money passively in investments. In fact, CEO don’t necessarily have high salaries, their compensation comes from stock and options. So what…
Poor Frank. A sad life meets a sad end. Destined to be forgotten.
Had a problem with the writing on the first episode. Spoilers ahead
Love this show. But I am so worried that they will either write themselves into a corner or run out of ideas on how to keep it going. I mean we are in the Good Place 3.0.
What ever happening to those wholesome days, when your ex would just key your car?
Where does it say anywhere that they are black babies? Is anyone reporting this as racial motivated?
Sorry but single payer healthcare for America is just a horrible idea, not because objectives are bad, their great but because of the economics and sociological factors involved. The same reasons why communism fails, ask Venezuela will make this horrible. Does the government procure anything efficiently? What will…
Their is something that has not really been tried. If the government can invest in organizations and mechanisms (eg. internet employment info resources pushed on employees) to help workers move to higher paying better jobs, employers will be forced to pay more. Disloyalty is the key :)
Pretty divisive stuff separating straight black males from the rest. The truth is (and there is a truth just as there is a reality, not your own reality) while white people will prejudice against you, maybe always, but your real problem is YOU (black males). All the major problems are your own making. For example,…
So you want to skewer people who support forgiveness of people’s crimes based on their political views. And the two examples you give are on the right politically? Maybe it would have been better to realize that we are all susceptible to forgive those that we admire if we don’t catch ourselves. Why not include…
Why isnt there a moratorium on “hand monitoring”? Trump wins when the substance of the criticism is stupid petty BS.
Gotta believe that karma is going to get both the rapist and the judge. I mean he shows his face where people are getting drunk and he is going to get a beat down.
Comes down to where he was shot, if it is away from the car, since “he walked back to the area he was trying to sleep”, she came and intentionally shot him.
Very troubling post but captures the problem very well. I see that there is a a continuum in severity here. From the clueless to callous, manipulative to criminal. In the Anna example, it is likely the man did not want her to have a bad experience, but could not read her body language. Sometimes this is unreasonable.…