Kenlin Bros

Is his name an acronym for Middle Eastern/Near Asian?

I haven't seen it, but reviews and word of mouth seemed nice about The Jungle Book, non?

I've heard she likes you too!

I'm Sinworse.

That's not really true. The world has always been quite interconnected.

It's C-3PO, you goddamned loser!

We're not allowed to criticise the appearance of dead people now?

It was not better than Jedi at all, let alone by far. And Rogue One was reheated garbage. It would seem your opinions need recalibrating.

What? People had fun with her pointless and almost completely edited-out character?

My brother's girlfriend, smart enough to get a distinction in her law degree this week, thought the MailChimp ads she heard on podcasts were "animal cruelty".

I don't know how people can possibly say he "clearly" enunciates in that scene. But I have a lisp, so maybe I'm deaf to it.

Or hiring Noel Fielding and asking him not to be a massive fucking wanker.

Sounds like a weird music video.


Lord of the Nipple Rings, however…

There are dozens of us etc

Why do you want your librarian dead?

It was done to a wizard?!

The portrayal of Stannis is perhaps what had soured me most to the show.

Is he flaming?