Kenlin Bros

Aren't all exoduses mass exoduses?


Won't this format be awful for spoilers?


I think this probably happens every time he fucks someone, brother!

Biased. Pet peeve.

Paranormal Activity?

Except that the answer is demonstrably "no".

I have no idea what Martian Manhunter is, and that sounds just awful.

Love this typo.

They're right up there in the pic already!

You are the death of Star Wars.

You rang?

I'm pretty sure there was rampant inequality in the 13th century.

A whole $100?!

Autoplay videos are paid for by the big screen lobby.

I recently found a Bach piece that I am sure was the scratch track for his Lion King orchestral stuff.


No, sorry, just me being racist.

Don't the Fingers stick out into the Narrow Sea?