It is astonishing, I mean freaking ASTOUNDING how profoundly out of touch with reality conservatives are. 40 frigging percent of them deny evolution. and they are running the place. Good God.
It is astonishing, I mean freaking ASTOUNDING how profoundly out of touch with reality conservatives are. 40 frigging percent of them deny evolution. and they are running the place. Good God.
“Given that a tremendously dramatic play in the game was followed by a extended delay, is the “improvement” in officiating worth the disruption to the game?”
Up there for one of the most inane, bullshit articles of the year. They get it RIGHT to not let Oklahoma get a bogus win and you’re up in arms? Puleeeeze.
I hope the Nats beat the piss out of them. although Altuve is must watch baseball.
The city is keenly aware of this.
Bye bye. We have waited years for this. That ‘Process”, what a failure, eh?
I have Kaspersky ad blocker which works great, but many sires INCLUDING DEADSPIN, will not let you on unless you disable it.,The irony.
I don’t understand in a billion dollar industry, with state of the art technology, and flags flying all over the place anyway, there just isn’t a third eye in the sky to quickly review determine these calls. College has a form of it already in targeting. They already are arrogantly forcing the PI challenge out of…
I disagree. Football is a collision sport. Unnecessary roughness means just that. Unnecessary. Inadvertent hits when you have the same right to the ball should not be penalized.
I understand the players are caught between a rock and a hard place. But this has to be one of the most craven capitulations to money I have ever seen by a major athlete. Should have kept quiet. His rationale is bullshit.
And they lost.
The clothes you wear, the phones you use, the movies you watch, etc, yup,good chance China has a part in it.
Have to wait until post season to test them.
Yeah Dallas looked invincible too, until they actually played someone.
There needs to be a targeting rule in the NFL with ejections. This has got to stop. The blatant hit on the Bill’s QB was egregious.
Thanks for the straw person choice. It’s Sanders or Trump but no one else, right?
You invoke Truman, a complete shit, and the party bosses choice over Henry Wallace. The irony.
“It can be difficult to talk about athletes within a framework of power because they are in America an exploited workforce. They aren’t paid in high school. They aren’t paid in college, despite their work bringing billions into athletic departments and the NCAA. Even as professionals, except for a handful of…
“It can be difficult to talk about athletes within a framework of power because they are in America an exploited workforce. They aren’t paid in high school. They aren’t paid in college, despite their work bringing billions into athletic departments and the NCAA. Even as professionals, except for a handful of…
OK, I saw reply below. You were not endorsing it .