
Mark Kern, the team lead for vanilla and early tbc is one of the main backers of the legacy community. He’s the one that actually got the meeting set up between blizzard and nostalrius. He was present at the meeting and delivered the 250k signature petition as well. So I can’t agree that they are doing the people that

I’m seeing a ton of misinformation be posted in these comments so I wanted to clear a few things up for people that aren’t familiar with the wow private server community. There are hundreds of private servers, most of them accept money for boosts and other pay to win mechanics while some offer vanity items for real

Well technically it’s not the same people. The guys that were running Nostalrius would be complete fools to do it themselves. Blizzard has their names and addresses because of their meeting. They have handed it off to a new group of people, with a bunch of the nostalrius volunteers going over to help. The server may

This is the 5th comment of yours that I’ve had to reply to because of the blatant lies you’re spreading. I don’t know if you’re doing it on purpose or if you’re just completely uninformed, but Nostalrius never made a cent off of running those 2 server. They paid for it out of their own pocket and only opened donations

Nostalrius has stated and continues to state that if Blizzard every offered a legacy server option they would shut down and encourage everyone to play that. The amount of people that think people only player there because of a little nostalgia or because its free is absolutetly mind boggling. There are a ton of people

Stop saying they made money off it dude, you’re unbelievable spreading this false information. You obviously have no prior knowledge of the situation. They “stole” the assests, music, sounds, art from the original game, most of which isn’t used any more. They did not steal any code, they had to rewrite the entire code

I’ve replied to you on two other comments but seriously, cut the shit. They weren’t profiting from any of it. They did it for the community and their love of the old game.

You should really stop beating the “they were profiting off of it” drum if you have no clue what you’re talking about. The server was paid for out of their pocket and later on they accepted donations to cover server costs and shut them off. They also provided proof of that. I’d have to go back to the old boards to

I never understood this logic, who are you to say the game is better? I enjoy the older versions of WoW compared to the newer expansions and it’s not even close. Obviously if Nostalrius had as many accounts as it did then I’m not the only one who thinks this way.

You should really stop beating the “they were profiting off of it” drum if you have no clue what you’re talking about. The server was paid for out of their pocket and later on they accepted donations to cover server costs and shut them off. They also provided proof of that. I’d have to go back to the old boards to