
The last seven years have had us all bombarded with marketing for the reboot movies.

For me, it is the amount of shark-jumping/lense-flares/wtf-logic ‘plot’ points that have occurred. You can accuse the Prime universe of some of this (or most of sci-fi really) but Abrams and co seem to have turned all that up to 11. There just seems to be a lot of things in there ‘just because’ - let’s make everything

They should just go with the new universe. I won’t watch it because it’s not actually Star Trek anymore, but it would confuse the new fans of the garbage director JJ Abrams Star Trek Wars universe.

Prime, Anthology and make it good, just make it good. Please make it good.

My biggest problem with the reboot is that it tosses subtext out the window as though that were part of why Trek was getting stale.

I can only speak for myself, but I will watch anything set in the prime universe but I wouldn’t bother to tune in to anything set in the reboot universe. Not to pre-judge the people making the TV show, but setting a Trek anthology in the NuTrek universe is just fruit from a poisoned tree.

Would it be that bad? Yes, it would automatically be absolute crap.


Yes. it is absolutely a big deal if it takes place in the “fuck you for supporting this franchise” universe. I won’t support it if it is.

There hasn’t been a live-action installment in the Prime Universe in 11 years.

So, there are a few problems with this.

Transwarp beaming, miracle Augment blood, a smaller, more militarized Starfleet, little to no exploration, an era we’ve already seen, the complete lack of an explorer’s spirit... There’s no good reason to have the CBS show in the NuTrek universe. Sure, keep the movies that way if you want, but that wouldn’t work on

Yes. Yes it would.

Probably, yes. The reboot universe is built on eye candy and vapid writing. Star Trek is supposed to be all about the writing.

Not that it matters much, I feel it’s going to flop regardless...but if they REALLY want to drive the final nail in the coffin, they will set it in the NuTrek ‘verse!

I feel like you also have to consider the fact this is going to be tied to CBS’s paid subscription/streaming service. If it’s in the NEW universe, I won’t pay for that. In the OLD? I would. And I feel like with Trek you want to really entice those loyal hardcore fans that will talk up an even mediocre show.

The other

Yes. But at least we still have fan productions (at least for now) to get our real Trek on.

Yes, it would be that bad, and worse.

I can only speak for myself. The rebooted Universe destroyed everything that was unique about Star Trek. I will not watch any series with the Star Trek label that takes place in that universe. If you drop the label, then I might be interested. But the rebooted universe is not Star Trek.

Yes! I swear if they boot roddenberryverse for abramsverse they wont see a penny from me.