Rich people have fancy vaginas
Rich people have fancy vaginas
He was straddling her partner punching him in the back of the head and she has no way to know if he’s armed. What the fuck do you really expect from cops in your utopian pipedream? You gonna arm them with daisies and knock-knock jokes in that situation?
What details in this story suggest monstrosity?
you live in hypotheticals? since when is that a valid argumentative point?
Anti-vegan protestors? You already won, people, what are you protesting?
It wasn’t different with adults. The person writing this article just wants to distort the truth a little to emphasize Lorena’s victimhood, even though it’s never been in doubt.
Yeah, I distinctly remember, even at such a young age, her abuse being part of the story.
“...sensationalize the story, making Lorena the butt of a national joke...”
This was a much more popular topic when the story first broke, huh? I got a LOT of shit for saying it sounded fishy. People are fucking idiots.
I don’t understand defintion 2a. Like, I thought the worst thing you could do is define a word using the word itself. Is racism the belief itself or the “political program” based on that belief? Come on, Meriam-Webster!
The word prejudice doesn’t actually imply hate or race. Prejudice could be formed on the basis of any characteristic, and can be positive or negative, like a stereotype. It simply means pre-judgement, making your mind up ahead of time about a person.
I’ve often been sincerely confused by this argument. If “racism” inherently requires structures of power to reinforce itself, then what is the meaning of “systemic racism” or “institutionalized racism?” Those would be, according to this argument, simply fancier ways of saying plain old “racism.” While, in the history…
Umm, funny, no doubt, but relevant? Which part: white people give each other free stuff, have speakeasies on the bus, or get free money at the bank? Seriously...relevant? It’s comedy that barely even qualifies as satire.
idk he seems kind of just retarded/mentally ill/homeless
Fucking Tesla idiots apparently only shut up about their love for Elon long enough to defend other Tesla idiots doing stupid fucking dangerous things on the road.
More a case of bad production if that was the only quote they aired and it was context-free. Guy probably talked to the reporter for ten minutes.
They don’t really have any complicity, right? If you’re hired to advertise something, you’re responsible for quality assurance?
Where’s the 95% statistic come from?
It’s a disengenuous way to dismantle the policy, which was well-intentioned (also not strictly focused on African-American expulsion rates), but stupid and disruptive to any actual education happening in schools. “Restorative Justice” looks great in about 1% of the schools where it is implemented, especially when…