ken guidry

Williams >>>> Klepper. Klepper is too… bleh. I like Williams's energy.

That parody really wasn't my tempo.

I'm wondering why Stephen Colbert hasn't hosted yet. He was one half of the Ambiguously Gay Duo. It needs to happen.

yikes… i'm gonna pretend i didn't read that

they're all each writing self-help books as we speak, actually.

So who's the Tony Romo of writers?

Also, these episodes have been directed by Andy Ackerman?? How is it so badly executed? Was he asleep in his chair the whole time?

If that was the 7th episode of production then I think I ought to give up now. This episode had a few really good jokes (mostly during John's date with the Doula which was the only instance where the show did more than just feel like a generic sitcom), but like you said, it's all so horribly executed that the whole

The Holt/Terry subplot from last night's episode was my favorite thing of this entire series so far. Watching them try to improve office efficiency and seeing Holt get carried away (i love when we see Holt make mistakes!) was just awesome. The Santiago-Peralta storyline was pretty good too. I'd give this an A- easily.

In an awesome way, that whole scene felt like a complete reversal of "The Office" with how Michael Scott's speeches in the conference room normally went.

The first two episodes were promising, this episode was flat out hilarious. It just had a great rhythm to it, with the jokes just pouring in and there were very few misses. I'd be willing to give this episode an A-. I'm starting to get excited about this show, which is great because I usually don't catch on to a great

I think it works for his character if he cites a foreign film without knowing the director's name (even though Truffaut co-wrote it). But yeah, it's not a cop movie.

How would he know how any of his interactions would go? His interaction with Jesse looked like complete wish fulfillment to me. He gives Jesse the option to kill him, because if anybody's going to kill him, it's going to be Jesse. But Jesse refuses, allowing Walt to die by his own accord. As far as the existence of

I will watch this show for more "Joe Bastianich tries to relate to kids" moments, like the poker shirt comment.