Ken Griffey's Swollen Jaw

I know it was one of his latest films but Romero also had a black protagonist (depending on how you view it) in Eugene Clark’s Big Daddy Zombie in Land of the Dead as the guy just wanted to protect his fellow zombies from the humans that were killing them.

I would take being represented by Bartolo Colon over any Overwatch player, thank you very much

Now playing

So you are saying the entire Pokémon series after the first episode is Ash not personally on the journey, but living a Jacob’s Ladder situation in his final moments of life?

When Chibnall was announced and the talk of a female Doctor was heating up I was always thinking “I hope and pray Jodie Whittaker gets the nod”

I could totally see B tell A he slept with his girlfriend when their relationship was getting to that serious stage.

Plus I could totally see him telling A that he and ACG slept together as A and ACG’s relationship was beginning, so if ACG needs another reason to come clean that is one right there.

I’m surprised you didn’t bring up the moment when Conor told Floyd to “dance for me, boy”, which was not a good look for Conor.

Eh not as bad as Conor telling Floyd to “dance for me, boy”

I mean it’s not like RTD did the same thing with Rose..... Oh

I pray for this to happen

So you never watched a TV show/movie, played a game or read something that you initially thought was bad/terrible only to go back to it after some time and realized that you may have missed some things that could make you realize that you may have been too hard on it originally?

Haven’t you ever heard of the concept of initial impressions?

Eh I thought both Mummy on the Orient Express and Flatline were great as unofficial companion episodes to each other and I loved Face the Raven (and didn’t have a problem most people had with them doing away with the death in Hell Bent). I also thought Extremis was a great episode that looking back is greatly hurt by

Agree. Though Capaldi has probably some of the greatest episodes of the entire NuWho run there were WAY too many misses.

I will have to do multiple rewatches before I get a deeper feel for it but immediate reaction I thought it was as bad as Last of The Time Lords (my pick for worst NuWho finales) despite the great acting of the main five actors

Hated everything they did with Bill in the second part of this finale.

I’m gonna throw this out there but I am hoping the Doctor is unable to save Bill and as a form of guilt and honoring her the Doctor regenerates into Bill

Someone call the people who run the Darwin Awards and tell them to stop taking submissions because nothing will beat this.

If he even does.

For those who have read and enjoyed the book, Pat Laprade’s other book with Bertrand Hebert about the history of Montreal (titled Mad Dogs, Midgets and Screwjobs: The Story of how Montreal Shaped the World of Wrestling) and its role in the world of professional wrestling is amazing and a must-read as well.