I usually have a iron stomach for watching injures , this time I Thank you for the gif cutting out the moment it happened because Cleveland’s reaction is enough
I usually have a iron stomach for watching injures , this time I Thank you for the gif cutting out the moment it happened because Cleveland’s reaction is enough
Sober up and come back in the morning because your beer goggles and homerism are clouding your vision tremendously
I am wondering if the show being in California had anything to do with it. Last time I went to a RAW taping in Anaheim Enzo and Cass (who got the loudest pop that night) made a not so subtle Bert and Ernie gay joke towards Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows and we booed them out of the building for a good 30 seconds. So…
I also love how that even though at this moment Heenan has every right to gloat, he brings up how that if Hogan is now with Hall and Nash then who in WCW is gonna stop them.
One of my favorite wrestling moments is for years going back to the AWA and continuing through the WWF Heenan always said Hogan was a snake in the grass and that he will be proven right one day.
Adalaide Byrd is female and has a long history in Boxing and MMA of having lopsided and completely bullshit scoring
No, especially since Adalaide Byrd has a long history in both Boxing and MMA of completely lopsided or mind blowing scoring
Comments like theses should always be the top comment on any EVE article
For a show with heavy and amazing moments I think nothing will ever pass the first two minutes of this episode for me. It is just outstanding to the point I have watched that clip multiple times since the show came out.
My name is Yon Yonson
Damn shame Ass Dan won’t be at the march
Not at this moment.
If you were Rick would you poll a Morty on the election?
And there are also a lot of disgruntled Ricks without Mortys working shitty jobs that Evil Morty appealed to in his speech, so a combo of the two gave him enough to win.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Ricks gave the Mortys the right to vote only because the Ricks knew they could threaten their respective Mortys into voting for whichever Rick their Rick supported.
I love how they give all the tongue twisters to Amy Sedaris and Keith Olbermann and they always knock it out of the park.
Yo Dan in the article you have Lady Shani receiving the armbar when it was Rosemary.
While the show could be ranged from okay to absolute shitshow (looking at you Torneo Rumble match), when you have a mask vs mask main event like Psycho Clown vs Dr Wagner Jr it makes you forget everything else because of how great it is.
Who is this Naruto you are speaking of?