Ken Griffey's Swollen Jaw

He took all of his polling info from where everyone else got it, but was one of the few people to point out how strange the state’s polls and other forms of polling was spiking either one way or the other.

It still blows my mind that Iso Joe (tm Dan Patrick) has over 20000 points and made over two hundred million for being the most part a serviceable player

Plus he is technically a convicted criminal in society’s eyes so would you really be shocked if you found out he was dating a older woman?

Playing Persona 5 and I am at that point of the game everyone loves with Persona: the Waifu Wars.

Right there with you.

I didn’t know Mojo was Curt Hawkins

Now playing

Sure the call for the home run is one of the all time greats but the nine minute buildup from Vin Scully makes it that much better

Right there with you

There’s your problem right there: you are watching Raw

That “Quack like a duck” song gets more amazing every time I hear it

I am in the same boat as you Riley as I have been sucked into finishing The Witcher while Nier, Horizon and ME: Andromeda sit on my shelf

So last week this time I had zero internet access for a fees days which means I couldn’t play Titanfall 2, so I decided to get back into Witcher 3.

And all those people were proven to be lying or their testimony didn’t match up to the insane amount of physical evidence and repeated interviews as stated in the exhaustive Department of Justice investigation.

Now playing

Yeah you are wrong there because DIO IS WATCHING YOU FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SCREEN!!!

Yep. It even says in the article that the SCOTUS sent it back down because it is waiting to know the actual decisions this case and a few others will have in those lower courts before taking them on the docket.

I am close to getting a hundred percent in Yakuza 0, after which I will play it again in Legend mode so I can platinum it.

Thank fucking god it wasn’t Tebow who caught the bat

Was Alexa a Academy member through getting a nomination or having someone vouch for her admission?

Look at the makeup for the latest Star Trek movie and then say that Suicide Squad deserved to win