
And just more than 10 years ago it was like, what, 4GB recommended? 10 years before (say, 2000/2001) that is was like 64MB... This is PC life. Quit your bitchin’! 10 years from now it’ll probably be 128GB, hell, maybe 256GB!

Take a look at video cards... In 2013, the GTX 780 came out with 3GB.. That was the top end! It

I hear Tumblr is making a return.

This shit gets funnier by the hour, this man in so far above his head it is ridiculous. 

GTFOH with that nonsense.

Toxic ICE worship/delusion.

Rolling coal. Yes we get it, you hate the environment, Prius’, and bicyclists. There’s probably a bumper sticker for that.

This is the most beautiful and diabolical article I’ve read in a while, and I love it.

I’d think they’d sell a lot more Rivians if they actually could sell more Rivians.

Hell, take it one step further - just don’t enter an intersection you can’t clear. It frustrates me to no end when someone gets caught in an intersection and blocks perpendicular traffic because they couldn’t wait their turn to get through.

An EV1 kit car would be mighty cool.  That aerodynamic design is ugly-cute.  Heck, maybe it’d even work as a body kit for a Leaf.

Zipper merge is the most useful demonstration of where science fails to understand society. Mathematically zipper mergers are 100% superior to all others 100% of the time. They are undeniably the single most efficient way to merge two streams of traffic. Period. Full stop (well, not ‘stop’, but you know what I mean).

Zipper merging only works when nobody has the “let’s see how many cars I can pass before I have to merge” mentality...   so zipper merging doesn’t work.

I don’t mind speed control devices (bumps, humps, etc.), but they need to be high-contrast so that people can see them. I know the drivers can slow down, but these are basically black-on-black with some non-obvious arrows on them. If you aren’t familiar with the area, you’re not going to notice them. Even if you’re

Now playing

This one is probably my favorite. About 20 seconds in - YARD SALE!

From a $/kJ perspective, electricity at $0.11/kWh (a typical midwestern rate after all the fees, taxes, etc) is exactly the same as gas at $4.03/gal. The unit of kJ (kilojoules) is a unit of energy.

When I looked into putting an L2 charger in my carport the electrician suggested I could do something similar, but with a relay that ensures only one load is connected at a time. That would be the requirement to meet code, given that the rating of our panel would be exceeded if both were drawing full current at the

Y’all have these superhero fantasies that have no bearing in real life. Research shows you are more likely to harm yourself with weapons than attackers. Attackers are more likely to turn said weapons on you. Also there is the risk of friendly fire. What’s to let another “good guy with a gun” looking to protect the vuln

Even armed police are too afraid to confront shooters. But republicans demand teachers lay down their lives to stop shooters. Armed police hesitate to attack shooters, yet this mad country thinks training 5 year olds to attack with scissors is the answer.

interesting workaround but I would only consider legitimate solutions. Double tapping a 30 amp dryer line with an extension chord running across the house wouldn’t work. Maybe if the dryer was in the garage I would consider it.

I cancelled my Lightning reservation when Ford announced that only fleets would have the ability to order $50k base Pro trims with long range battery, and that consumers would have to option up to $75k to get the longer range. In hindsight I should have ordered anyway and just flipped it with how insane the market is