
That is Dominos, that is not pizza.

Note Taco Bell “beef” makes an efficient and durable repair for all types of road surfaces, and has a rated strength of 10k psi after two weeks of curing.

I can fathom how it’d be built, except for the part where they acquire the property. That’s a fraught process even for governments that have eminent domain powers. If I knew I was the last guy holding up a 100 mile long highway corridor, I’d want approximately one gazillion dollars from the company building it.

It is approved. Graffiti by definition is not approved.

“After that, for the next moth”

“Sir, the possibility of successfully passing between two semi trucks is approximately three thousand, seven hundred twenty to one!” “Never tell me the odds!”

My town of roughly 30,000 people has 13 Subways. 13. I just looked it up on Google. And still, if they all closed tomorrow, I doubt anyone would notice. But also: How in the world can one small, quasi rural town support a baker’s dozen Subways?

If you finance a phone ... you are an idiot.

I couldn’t live without a car. Because I’m not walking or biking six miles up and down literal mountains just to go get groceries in an area not covered by any public transit whatsoever.

I recently learned I am allergic to everything. Inside. Outside. Fall. Spring. Summer. Dust. Pollen. Ragweed. Grass. Trees. Life. Rainbows and happiness. Allergies are the worst.

Flying cars DO exist:

Uh, Ant-Man is confirmed to take place before Infinity War. Spider-Man Homecoming 2 is the first film dedicated to dealing with the fallout of Infinity War/Avengers 4.

Anthropomorphic food is where I draw the line. It’s Pixar, so the dumpling boy (which is a phrase that disturbs me greatly) will be given the expected photorealism. I can handle the Gingerbread Man in the various Shrek films; he’s like a wise-cracking piece of cardboard. Or maybe it’s because a dumpling is much more

Wait it takes 3 centuries for a rocket ship to fly into space? It must have had a shitload of fuel.... and babies.

I don’t understand why OEMs throw away proven designs we’ve had for decades to do dumb shit like this. Change for the sake of change is fucking stupid. What’s next, putting the accelerator on the left? Is it 1903 again?

I’m usually fairly skeptical about things like this, but I can certainly understand why the military program was interested in this footage. It’s being shot in infrared, therefore, if it were self-propelled, there would have to be some kind of heat contrail at this velocity.

If only they had access to the US legal system, the Zeppelin Company would have sued Herbert Morrison for damaging their dirigible business.