
Or the Bury Unpopular Truth Trump Scorns act?

If they can fry cheese that well, they should try skipping the bun...and the burger...and making chupaquesos!

I heard somebody sent up a “starman” and took pictures like that recently.

The downside of the Ego Boost is that occasionally, your plan to dip in for a quick win won’t go as planned and you’ll find yourself losing match after match and ruining your evening in the process.

Now playing

The idea of riding in the back seat of a driverless car scares me:

So, what you’re saying is that war these days is a tankless job?

It looks like there’s a space there, between “black” and “s”. Maybe his name starts with “S.” and his finger is covering the period.

I’m not sure who to pick for quarterback at this point. Siemian and Osweiler have shown that they can’t play very well in quite a few games. Lynch is a scaredy-cat. He can’t stand in the pocket and throw well when he’s about to get hit. (Which is not something I could do either, but it’s something you have to do to be

Or they could have removed the tail too and called it a tribble.

I thought we were supposed to dedicate ourselves to building a strong artificial intelligence that can find a...

From TFA, it looks like the main source of the data was Web of Trust.

Starting with the low-hanging fruit, are we? I call ‘em the Cleveland Turds, because they’re brown and they stink.

I would not have predicted that someone going that slow would change lanes without looking. Generally I’d expect the people stacking up to go around first, and that the guy at the front would go last. Then again, I almost never drive on roads with more than two lanes, so I wouldn’t have considered moving farther

I would not have predicted that someone going that slow would change lanes without looking. Generally I’d expect the people stacking up to go around first, and that the guy at the front would go last. Then again, I almost never drive on roads with more than two lanes, so I wouldn’t have considered moving farther

Actually, I can see an interesting argument along that line: Require military service to get government-funded health care. I believe a number of nations require military service, including Israel.

Effing magnets, how do they work as an Obamacare replacement?

Let’s try again, but this time for younger generations:

Seems like cosplaying any Groot would make it hard to have a conversation.