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    Im with you on Ella Mai, that song seems very popular and especially popular with young men. I never even heard it before last week. I had heard of it in passing before and caught the tail end one time but it still didnt grab me enough to go listen to full thing. Last week it seemed to be all over my IG tl so i

    damn its the equivalent of a lemonade stand good grief. there is something sick in your heart to see a child selling in front of their home and think yes i must call the police on a child

    guess the fact that it was drizzling this morning and currently still cloudy had no effect on the bird dress if they were barely dressed at 830am.. they all going home sick lol

    for clarity. what I meant is im very confused and its very illogical to me how someone would pick a random gate community and choose to block its entrance at the exact same time that a black resident is trying to get home, thats some real perfect timing, along with being completely bat shit crazy and i guess im just

    everyone is taking my comment wrong, i should have worded it better i wasnt trying to pretty it up as you say im just very confused and its very illogical to me how someone would pick a random gate community and choose to block its entrance at the exact same time that a black resident is trying to get home, thats some

    he doesnt seem mentally well, thats not an excuse im just confused. at first i was thinking ok hes just outright racist but then got to end and it says HE.DOESNT.EVEN.LIVE.THERE!!! like huh? how do you decide to randomly pulls into a community and block an entrance and you dont even live there!! who does that? is the

    Im confused by “Meanwhile, Spencer insisted that the allegations that people were threatening to leave without paying are “totally not true,” but earlier it said “The incident turned sour, however, after one of the women celebrating with the sorority apparently said that she was going to leave after waiting for about

    that so funny to me, im a volunteer pollworker here in L.A. and have been for 20 years now and we always have sheets and sheets and sheets of stickers left..not even during the most busy election ive ever worked (2008) did we run out of stickers. ive never once run out of stickers. I wonder if L.A. prints more, less

    these types of accusations always fascinate me a little , sometimes i see the theft othertimes... like now.. no.. I never understand how. Sooo a husband and a wife cant sit next to each other in similar clothes and not be accused of theft?

    You know who the real MVP’s.. Meghans Mamas family.. I have to imagine at this point the media has tracked down and tried to interview SOMEBODY, hell anybody 4th cousin twice removed from Meghans mamas side, they aint get nary an invite to nothing like everyone else and havent said a peep! Not one word, not

    this was so horrible its like a comedy sketch from SNL, In Living Color, MadTv pick your choice, except this is real life and its not funny. Im just in disbelief, like honestly, add an appropriately timed laugh track and its a skit. How is this woman a doctor? HOW? her tone, questions, everything does not say Do No

    she tried to spin that so hard I got dizzy thinking i was on the teacup ride at Disneyland.. makes no sense

    JT thought i was a scam according to article on tvguide via Drake answering this same question on ig

    I have questions from this. How many players are on a hockey team? How does an American sports team only have 6 Americans on it? Is this like when basketball players go play for European teams? or are these hockey players citizens just born elsewhere? wait no that cant be it bc it said 6 americans. Im super confused

    for what its worth you arent the only one.. I have no emergency contact or person to help, but im worse than you, i have no friends to call or parents.. literally no one. Im having 3 wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow .. im only going numb not under so Idk if im going to be released on my own or what

    this was my exhusband favorite movie... ive been forced to sit through this movie. so.many.times. :( i got sick of it this was nice different persepctive

    i say what I said when Alexis/Kamiyah was on Iyanla, the bio mom should have stuck with it or SOMETHING because she clearly needs help too. I feel like speaking with someone MAY help her understand why A/K cant and wont just cut kidnapper off. Thats the only family she has known, while all those other people are her

    im not in entertainment so I never understand how these shows and music industry too cancels things when they fail when they did NO promo for the things and if they did ..very little. The market is oversaturated, companies need to promote even on a small scale, ive never heard of this show, where was it promoted to

    thank you for that full explanation that I couldnt find in either article (here or NY Times) on exactly why they feel this way so thanks.

    his father is black my ass.... lies he tells to try and get sympathy.. plus I dont understand..i have NEVER heard of a business turning down money simply because it was in small denominations, you might get a sigh and a dirty look but flat out telling somebody take your business elsewhere with those quarters is