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    Love this and its been what I have been saying less eloquently the fact that we are here means somebody in our ancestry SURVIVED slavery, reconstruction and Jim Crow and its a fucking miracle. Its why I am obsessed with my genealogical search.. they are not forgotten and the LEAST I can do is find their names and

    oh wow, i had to go look up those Hi Five lyrics ..WTF ..those lyrics been flying over my head all these years, though i admit i never heard/hear the song much but good grief

    How is this ok? or even legal? This wouldnt even be allowed in a workplace. Im speaking specifically of the bathroom policy. The follow up article has tons of comments from people who identify themselves as noble teachers and each one of them says the bleeding through the pants is often. How is this humane? This is

    not the woolworth counter though .. ..LOL

    wow Ive largely been dismissing this Kanye thing as Its my opinion hes just off the deep end and itd be like me trying to argue with a wall, but this..THIS.. this takes the cake.. what a p.o.s. ? Now im starting to hate this, because not only doesnt he not get it or care but seemingly no one is trying to stop him

    you win!

    everything you say is true, I think so much happens to people in life that time goes by in a blip. I keep seeing people refer to Kanye’s infamous “GB doesnt care about BP” but that was 15 years ago!!! I think in peoples mind they are like that happened “not too long ago” and therefore forgive this or that what they

    since he used data from as recently as 201o im curious about how this aligns with gentrification. I live in Los Angeles County and im like ummmmm, in my old neighborhood its more white folks than ever. My block splits in two of the people in my half of 5 homes in the last 10 years that went for sale all except for one

    wow that is really scary to be honest and creepy ..who does that over a review, I have been repeatedly asked to take down a review but never something like this.

    i hope they still do it and the BEST BICENTENNIAL EVERRRRR

    I want to know what is happening to the employee who called? No one is speaking on that. She/He needs to be fired for stupidity and racism. I havent heard anything about whats happening with this person. What I dont want to hear is that she/he is going to get diversity training

    This assaulted my ears...i feel violated .. i mean wow ..i didnt even think this was possible... Whats next Tyrone Davis- In The Mood?

    I woke up feeling like a trick...thats because you are *cackles*

    aint no fixin this with money ewwww this just yuck.. I have no articulate words for these its just grimy

    took the words out of my mouth

    i have mixed feelings in regard to the whole situation. While I get the violation since they signed that they did not want her photographed, I also feel they made it worse by coming forward. If they hadnt no one would even know Surai’s name or that she lived in Kissimmee, Florida.

    all the vile garbage I see on fb and they get banned? not saying they were wrong to deem unsafe but is a whole lot of “unsafe” i see

    lawwwd people want to blame teachers for EVERYTHING!! it clearly says the PTA was responsible, no lesson, just one of the many flyers to send home and show your parents and yet “Because like I said, if she’s teaching him the way she knows,” SHE is teaching NOTHING... because the doggone teacher didnt give it..good

    I love this story.. This was great. I would read a whole book about this

    Mannnnn if I were this teacher I would now say make america great again and then ask the students what again meant. They would say something about the past, doing it over, how it used to be, etc. I would say ok cool,